Thursday 2 January 2014




 We have a New Moon (also a Supermoon) in Capricorn, what a fabulously positive way to start the New Year!  Capricorn wants us to start the year in a practical, grounded way by laying down sensible plans and structures for ourselves and our lives in 2014.  And there is no need to rush, we need to take our time about this, we still have a lot to think about and review before forging ahead. 

Artist: Josephine Wall

Capricorn – “I use / I decide”

Capricorn is a cardinal Earth sign, practical, grounded and agile they can be a bit stubborn and their own worst enemy at times.  Capricorn represents; ambition, government (expect more truths to be revealed and more ridiculous plans put in place as politicians disappear down their own rabbit hole of La La Land), authority, tradition, pragmatism, conservatism (we all need to continue tightening our belts), endurance, business management, integrity, economics and practical expertise.

Capricorn helps us to get practical and organised with this New Moon, enabling us to start clearing away the old to make space for the new which is ready to come in for us.  The year ahead is good for women in business, for collaborations and “buddy networks”, for business and creative opportunities.  However, we are asked to do this through the higher aspects of Capricorn, not just climbing to the top of our personal mountain, but helping others to do so using the power of connecting to the ‘top’, to Creator/God/Spirit.  You will now find it easy to stand up for yourself, as your personal strength, truth and integrity come shining through.  Be yourself and all will be well this year.

Use this Capricorn New Moon to write your New Moon Wish List for 2014, there are powerful manifestation energies available now.  Then write a second list detailing the step-by-step plan about how you intend to make it happen.

We also have a Grand Cross, which is hanging around for a few months.  Grand Crosses always bring a feeling of pressure so it’s not going to be plain sailing for the first few months of this year.  The planets continue to guide us through gentle pressure to change what has to change, to get out of our rut and start doing things differently.  We have to live and Be our larger full creative, loving Selves now, that is what all the hard stuff over the past 2-3 years has been all about.

Pressure continues in our relationships.  All the relationships in our lives are mirrors showing us where we need to heal, where we give away our power, where we allow ourselves to be used and abused and where we either give too much or don’t give enough.  This is a carryover from last year and we are being given more time to evaluate, sift and sort and heal our relationships.  Some relationships will need to end in order to create space for the more suitable, more supportive, more collaborative relationships that are waiting to fall into place for you this year.  Call upon your Guides, Guardians and Angels to help you with this.  Make no decisions until you have spent plenty of quiet time/meditation and receive the answers you need (not the ones you want) which you know resonate with total truth and clarity.  Trust your Wise Wo/Man within when making decisions over the coming year.

The energy of the Goddess Kali is strong this year as She helps us to destroy what is no longer working and turn destruction into creation.  Change will continue and is inevitable during this time of powerful personal and planetary transformation.  But heck, we know what to do; we’ve been riding this Cosmic Surfboard for long enough now.  Yoga is a good activity to pursue this year, as it will help you to maintain flexibility on all levels and help you to cope with the changes and fluctuations throughout the coming months. 


The reign of the Snake year is in its final stages, and Snake had a last snap of its fangs with weird/freak accidents happening just before and during the Holidays.  Hang on in there, the energies will finally start to change on February 4th, when we move into the Year of the Horse, which will move us all forward.  (More on Chinese New Year/Year of The Horse in a Blog post nearer the time).  The gloom of last year will fade and we will happily trot forward into a more sociable, creative and collaborative time ahead.

Each year, Spirit gives me a phrase to work with that rhymes with the year, this is what I heard:  “2014 - better than it has ever been!”

My cynical self who was still worn out from last year said, “Yeah right – not!” I was tired of being given inspirations and then feeling like I’d been run over by a truck by year-end!  After getting a Gibbs-like cuff across the back of the head from Spirit, I was told that we are going to be bigger and bolder that we have ever been before in 2014, and this will have a wonderful knock-on effect in our lives and for those we love.  Okay, message received and understood, so I put together my personal affirmation for the year ahead:
“I commit to being better than I have ever been and making my life better than it has ever been in 2014!”

As we start this year, prudence is called for as we learn to stay within our budgets until the energy of the New Year properly kicks in and money starts to flow once more for us.  Globally, prudence is required so that there is enough for all, it is time for governments to stop wasting money and resources so that there is enough for everyone, and there is enough, it is just being so badly mismanaged at the moment. 

Help where you can and never stop believing in the abundance of the Universe.  We have been programmed to believe in lack (not just money and abundance, but health, love, respect etc).  There has never been a lack of any of this, just our belief that there is.  This is a mind trick/old programming, and we spent most of last year breaking and healing these old miasms so that we do not carry them forward into this transformational New Year. 

The key is to stay in the present moment and be happy and content with what you have got right now.  Stop worrying about what comes next or how it will manifest. The more content you are right now in every moment, the more you are open to receiving.  When you worry and project into the future, you block yourself from the flow of abundance that is all around you.  So, in 2014 you are going to stop worrying OKAY?!! 

Last year’s tough ride taught us all to get more creative and to honour our creative talents.  Start using yours to help you attract more abundance by sharing your gifts with the world. You could be exactly what someone needs. 
You don’t have to be perfect, circumstances don’t have to be perfect, it’s okay to make mistakes because at least you are making an effort to do something differently.  Just do it!  Get started right now.

It is essential in 2014 to nurture yourself first before others.  So often we get swept up in our work, families, friends etc and we always seem to end up at the bottom of the pile.  In 2014 you look after yourself first – everything/everyone else will just have to wait, only then can you have the energy to look after others.  Last year was a rough ride for many of us, this year by putting ourselves first, we will be happier, more creative, more loving and enjoy life so much more.  Nurturing the self is one of the tools to get you through the coming year.  Just remember, nothing and no-one is more important than you, so book that massage you keep meaning to have, have that long luxurious bubble bath you keep promising yourself, block out meditation time – every day if you want to.  Do whatever you need to do to nurture yourself and make it as important as doing the dishes or the laundry, or dealing with all the other requests on your time and energy.
“In 2014 I put myself first, I lovingly nurture myself in every way.”

Remember that we are still in the Winter Moons, still in the going-within time, the time of reflection, gratitude, rest and preparation.

We are now in what I call the New Year Window.  This is the gap between the Gregorian New Year and the Chinese New Year.  January 1st never feels like a fresh start for me, it takes a while for the energies of the last year to settle and fade before I am ready to charge ahead with brand new plans, dreams and goals.  However, by the time Chinese New Year comes around, I am prepared and ready to go for it.  Use this window of time to clear away the Christmas deccies and clean up your space.  Take a good look around; is there anything you want to change for a fresh new look for the New Year?  Clean out old stuff at the back of cupboards so that you are making space for new abundance.  I will be writing more on this as we approach Chinese New Year in a separate Blog.

I will also be writing a new post in the next day or so, which talks about the one big mistake most people make at the start of each New Year and which they really should know about before charging ahead with their plans.

You did the hard stuff last year, so leave it all behind now.  This year you are fully in your power, living your life the way you want to and doing what feels right in your heart to do.  With your heart as your compass, you cannot go wrong this year.  Through all the clearing done last year, your intuition is more honed and you are allowing the will of the Divine to work through you and guide you.  Guides, Angels and Ancestors are still on hand to help, so don’t forget to ask for help, ask more often and ask bigger!

I am declaring 2014, the Year of the Seed Bombs.  What kinds of seeds do you want to sow this year?  Whatever you decide is your theme for the year, see where you can anonymously throw one of your seed bombs to brighten someone’s day or improve someone’s life.  I intend to throw Love Seed Bombs by being more loving towards myself and every other Being I come into contact with.  Let me know what you intend to sow/throw.


Be patient with yourself and others in January.
Take new steps forward slowly, carefully and mindfully (don’t go charging ahead).
Remember that solid foundations create lasting success (avoid shortcuts, take the time to build good foundations for your new projects/dreams/goals/desires).
Speak with kindness every time you open your mouth during January.
Be perfectly clear so that everyone understands exactly what you are saying/meaning/doing.
Stand in your truth with gentleness and integrity.
Make Peace your normal state.
Commit to yourself totally.
Trust your intuition and let that be your compass for the year.


 I move forward effortlessly, gracefully and with ease.
I am patient with myself and others.
I enjoy moving forward step-by-step on a solid path now and
I have the patience to do so.
I love myself.
I know that I am fully supported by the Universe.
I believe and trust in Divine Timing.
I create all that I desire perfectly.
I steer myself on the Path of my Heart


“Your Inner Being would want you to manifest everything that you decide that you want. Your Inner Being would want you to know that you have value and the ability to have or be or do anything. Your Inner Being would want you to fulfil every wish and whim that you could identify. “
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter." "
-- Lewis Carroll, author

To help support you at the start of your New Year journey, we have a special offer on our ‘New Year, NEW YOU KIT’ (contains a 15ml Essence to take in water, and a 50ml Spray Mist to use in your aura/environment, as well as full instructions and information).  You can find it here

New Year and New Moon Blessings to y’all!
Elly xx

Copyright E. Yule ©2014 Worldwide Rights Reserved


Lesley said...

Thank you for the effort that you put into these readings. I am finding them to be so calming and accurate. We are in the middle of a difficult winter, weather-wise, and I am using this time for reflection, rest, and gratitude, as you suggest. Again, many thanks.

Lesley said...

Thank you for the effort that you put into these readings. I am finding them to be so calming and accurate. We are in the middle of a difficult winter, weather-wise, and I am using this time for reflection, rest, and gratitude, as you suggest. Again, many thanks.

Elly Yule said...

Hi Lesley,
Lovely to hear from you.
Enjoy your Winter retreat, stay safe and warm.
Many Blessings
Elly x