Please don’t panic about the threat of radiation, and certainly please don’t panic buy products you don’t need until you know exactly what you are dealing with.
Many people have jumped on the iodine bandwagon, don’t assume all radiation needs iodine, it depends of the type of radiation that has been leaked.
We can protect ourselves through herbs and nutrition. I always recommend eating the right foods first before needing supplementation. Then dowse (if you can use a pendulum) or use kinesiology to see what your body most needs each day. Never, EVER take the same vitamins/minerals/herbs/supplements every day 7 days a week. You don’t need the same thing/s every day.
Please remember that different supplements/herbs etc suit different people. One size does not fit all. You also need to take into account whether you have problems such as thyroid (taking extra iodine will cause you more problems further down the line) or liver (be very careful what tinctures and supplements you take so that you don’t overload an already struggling liver).
Here is some info I have gathered from different sources regarding protecting our immune systems re radiation (please note this is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace qualified medical care, if you have a problem get it checked out) :-
If Cesium (which is the type of radiation from Japan’s nuclear outage post e/quake March 2011):-
Increase Beetroot, increase potassium; bananas, sunflower seeds, pumpkins seeds, green leafy veg, black beans.
Increase Magnesium.
Take Gingko Biloba = best radioprotective herb together with beetroot for best free radical scavenging.
(In addition, it offers protection to the reproductive system and bone marrow, the parts of the body most likely to be impacted. It is mucilaginous to help with bonding with radioactive particulates so that they can be removed. The mucilage also protects tissues from dryness and damage due to lack of viscosity. It has a tiny amount of carminative herbs to help with assimilation and nausea. It has yarrow for its subtle effects on the aura and rebalancing and liver protective bupleurum).
Foods with Potassium
Serving Size Potassium (mg)
Apricots, dried - 10 halves - 407
Avocados, raw - 1 ounce - 180
Bananas, raw - 1 cup - 594
Beets, cooked - 1 cup - 519
Brussel sprouts, cooked - 1 cup - 504
Cantaloupe - 1 cup - 494
Dates, dry - 5 dates - 271
Figs, dry - 2 figs - 271
Kiwi fruit, raw - 1 medium - 252
Lima beans - 1 cup - 955
Melons, honeydew - 1 cup - 461
Milk, fat free or skim - 1 cup - 407
Nectarines - 1 nectarine - 288
Orange juice - 1 cup - 496
Oranges - 1 orange - 237
Pears (fresh) - 1 pear - 208
Peanuts dry roasted, unsalted - 1 ounce - 187
Potatoes, baked, - 1 potato - 1081
Prune juice - 1 cup - 707
Prunes, dried - 1 cup - 828
Raisins - 1 cup - 1089
Spinach, cooked - 1 cup - 839
Tomato products, canned sauce - 1 cup - 909
Winter squash - 1 cup - 896
Yogurt plain, skim milk - 8 ounces - 579
bananas, mint, and dandelions are good sources of potassium; dulse and kelp are some of the best sources You can make potassium broth really easily and drink it daily....
Snippets are From The School of Natural Healing website:
Increase your potassium intake (bananas, mint, and dandelions are good sources of potassium; dulse and kelp are some of the best sources). Rawbeets can help with the potassium in the system;
For even faster results, you can add to each cup of herb tea six to ten drops of elderberry tincture or six to ten drops of black walnut tincture, both of which are extremely high in potassium.
Regular meals can start off with a cup or bowl of potassium broth.
Dehydrated vegetables in the form of potassium powder or broth can be purchased from most health stores or you can prepare your own. There are some of your health books that provide instructions for making potassium broth.
There are several ways to receive your potassium. Dr. Bernard Jensen sells a potassium broth made from dehydrated vegetables. Dr. Bronner makes a similar, excellent product. You can also make your own potassium broth by simmering equal parts of red potatoes, celery, carrots, onions, and herbs to taste. Raw vegetable and fruit juices also flood the system with potassium.
"Black Walnut (Juglans nigra; JUGLANDACEAE); leaves, inner bark, fruit (nut), green husk of unripe nut; containing organic iodine that is much more antiseptic and healing than the usual poisonous iodine so commonly used for pain on infections, cuts, etc.), germicide, powerfully sudorific and febrifuge (strong infusion), and is heavily laden with
potassium iodine which is a recognized universal remedy for scrofula, syphilis, diphtheria, and other forms of bad blood, inner bark—besides being cathartic, is a fibrin solvent (potassium sulphate), muscle and nerve food (magnesium sulphate), and food for hair, nails, skin, nerve sheath, and periosteum (silica). Black walnut is used for bleeding surfaces or moist skin diseases (apply powdered leaves), epistaxis and catarrh (spray the nasal passages or insert a saturated tampon of cotton), leucorrhea, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, etc. (use injections every 3-4 hours), internal ulcerations, inflammations, bleeding piles, worms of all types, dysentery, relaxed and ballooned intestines, syphilis,
scrofula, eye diseases, prolapsed uterus, varicose veins, ulcers, tumors, cancer, abscesses, boils, carbuncles, acne, eczema, itch, shingles, sore throat, tonsillitis, relaxed uvula, falling hair, dandruff, ringworm, hoarseness (very valuable as a gargle). The infusion of leaves and bark should be steeped for 15 minutes and taken in wine glassful doses; the strong infusion of leaves and husks should be macerated in warm or hot water for 1 hour; the husks make a valuable alcoholic tincture.
The best source of easily absorbable ORGANIC Potassium and Iodine is in my Body Balance+ Formula (Recipe at the bottom of this note). The main ingredients in the Formula are: Black Strap Molasses, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Black Walnut Hulls. Black Strap Molasses is by far the richest source of ORGANIC POTASSIUM. Black Walnut Hulls are the largest natural source of ORGANIC IODINE. And Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is one of the best Catalysts known to man so that even those with poor health and lousy digestion can easily absorb it into their systems. Another very rich source of Iodine can be found in my Total Nutrition Formula that has a large amount of Norwegian Dulce in it. This recipe is also very easy to absorb and is completely digested within 15 minutes.
Lastly, the only ingredient that runs out Radiation that has already been impregnated into the body is Vitamin B3 = Niacin = Nicotinic Acid. Those of you who've taken Niacin know what I'm talking about having experienced the "Flush" that goes along with taking it. That flush you experienced was Radiation running out of the body, and can not only be an old Sunburn turning on and blowing, but can also be doses of Radiation you received in the past blowing out of your body. There is a protocol called the Purification Rundown that is the best for terminatedly handling higher levels of Radiation already received, but this should only be done under full supervision by those qualified to deliver this rundown. During this rundown which can take up to a month to complete, one can safely take up to 5,000 Mg of Niacin. Doing this in your own home, the maximum level should not be more than 500 Mg taken twice a day as Niacin can turn on a full blown
4 CUPS (1 quart) ORGANIC, RAW, UNFILTERED, APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (we use and recommend the Braggs brand)
Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. (Retired)
Information out of a reference book, 'No Such Thing As Doomsday',
Philip L. and Arlene R. Hoag, ISBN 1-888865-01-6
" Selective Uptake: Selective uptake is an important concept in nutritional protection against radiation. It means that sufficient levels of proper nutrients can effectively block the uptake of many types of radioactive pollution."
1) POTASSIUM IODIDE: 100 milligrams for 100 days. (Note: dosages for children will be less). Blocks uptake of radioactive iodine. (can get liquid or pills)
1a) Thyroxin supplements. Blocks uptake of radioactive iodine ( Do not have a source yet)
2) Calcium/Magnesium Blocks uptake of Strontium-90 (cal-mag-citrate) 3) Iron Blocks uptake of Plutonium 4) Potassium Blocks uptake of Cesium-137 5) ZINC Blocks uptake of radioactive Zinc-65 ~ Lozenges 6) Vitamin B-12 Suppresses uptake of Cobalt-60
*This by no means replaces nutritional foods.
Please do your own research! Here is a site we have bought Radiation Protection supplements and supplies:
Radiation Sickness and Poisoning
Guidelines for Homeopathic Prevention and Treatment
In the wake of the major earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday, an explosion has just occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
It was reported that radiation had already leaked from the plant prior to the explosion and Japanese officials now fear a meltdown with further contamination has now taken place.
People are being evacuated from surrounding areas as engineers scramble to contain the damage.
Should the situation worsen, radioactive material carried by wind and air currents may spread contaminated material to neighbouring islands and countries.
For all concerned, there are protective steps that can be taken with homeopathy.
Key remedies that have been used either in research or historically to prevent or treat radiation poisoning include the following:
Cadmium iodide
If at risk of radiation exposure, any one of the above remedies may be taken as an emergency response, three times a day in a 30C potency. Do not exceed 6 doses without guidance from your homeopath. If radiation sickness has developed, your homeopath can also advise on treatment dosages.
More Information
The following was written for the treatment and prevention of radiotherapy and chemotherapy side-effects but the information and references it contains are just as useful and relevant to accidental radiation exposure.
Radioactive Iodine 131 is a byproduct of nuclear fission and would be released in the event of a meltdown or possibly in the event that the fuel rods have degraded and fission products are carried with the steam vented from one of the reactors.
Because the thyroid takes up Iodine, and Iodine 131 is highly unstable, there is a large risk of thyroid cancer from exposure to Iodine 131. The best way to minimize the Iodine 131 uptake is to provide the thyroid with large amounts of Iodine 127. Standard procedure in the event of a nuclear disaster is to distribute Potassium Iodide to people in affected areas. And Potassium Iodide will certainly do the job.
Seaweeds are the best natural source of Iodine. Larch Hanson says that Laminaria digitata, a Kelp species, has the highest Iodine content, but other brown Kelps are excellent sources as well. Any seaweed will give you some decent amount of Iodine.
Shellfish, ocean fish, and red meat also contain Iodine in lower but appreciable levels. (Make sure your sources are ethically and environmentally clean!)
(One caution: people with hyperthyroid conditions such as Grave's Disease and people taking medications for hypothyroid conditions should not increase their Iodine levels without consulting an experienced practitioner.)
Because radioactive isotopes of other minerals may be released as well its advisable to eat bone broth and/or drink mineral rich herbal infusions (Nettles, Oatstraw, etc.)
There is anecdotal evidence that a diet including large amounts of Miso may have reduced rates of cancer and radiation sickness in some Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors. There are a couple of possibilities here: One is that this was simply a factor of increased Iodine intake since Miso was traditionally served with fish and sea vegetables. But it is also possible that the beneficial bacteria in Miso may have played a protective role.
Because Soy is detrimental to thyroid health I would suggest Miso made from other legumes (South River Adzuki Bean Miso is my favorite!)
Beta Glucans in a number of mushrooms including Chaga, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Matiake, Mesima,Birch Polypore, Lion's Mane, and Maitake help to modulate immune activity, and have been used with great success by a number of clinical herbalists working with cancer patients. Reishi and Mesima mushrooms have been shown to inhibit angiogenesis (See George Vaughan's great chapter on "Mushrooms in Cancer Therapy" in Margi Flint's ‘The Practicing Herbalist’.
I personally like Mushroom Harvest's 14 Mushroom Powder which Darcey and I regularly use in our soups, sauces, and gravies. (Thanks to Margi Flint for that tip!)
Gentle lymph moving herbs like Red Clover and Calendula are worth using, especially to keep the lymph moving around the head and neck. I might consider a gentle alterative like Burdock as well to support the body's natural detoxification systems as they move any radioactive materials out of the body.
Some of you might want to skip this, but most of you will feel better when you understand the mechanisms at work. There are a lot of different radioactive materials and each has similarities to organic substances normally used by the body. An example that is sometimes used is that Strontium-90 is absorbed by bones and teeth because the body treats it as if it were calcium. One theory advanced by those in the holistic health world is that the body will not absorb strontium if it has enough calcium. Moreover, the strontium will be replaced by calcium if the body is supplied with a proper form of calcium. This is why we should not panic and buy the first substance recommended for radioactivity but rather wait to see what is being released.
Meanwhile, there is corroborative material from the allopathic world of medicine in the sense that patients who are being treated with radioactive substances are advised to forego natural forms of that substance for some period following treatment. In short, the theory might be correct and since we don't really have better strategies for coping, we will proceed one step at a time now with what we think is known.
At the moment, we are not 100% certain about which cesium has been released but we do know that the body "views" cesium as it would potassium. So, unlike iodine which accumulates in the thyroid, cesium accumulates mainly in the reproductive organs and muscles and secondarily in the liver and kidneys and thence into the blood and hence everywhere else in the body. Of all the known agents for addressing cesium, green sea vegetables are regarded as the most effective. The required dosage is not all that great: -3 ounces a week. During times of direct exposure, the dosage can be ncreased to double or even triple the preventative amount. However, excessive intake is not necessarily good because there will be quite a bit
of iodine in the seaweed.
Other sources of potassium are of course bananas, beans, whole grains, seeds, and vegetables, especially lima beans, spinach, and winter squash. Some fruits are also high in potassium: dried apricots, honeydew melons, oranges, and raisins. Since potassium is critical to electrolyte balance, be careful of the amount of salt intake lest you interfere with potassium's ?ole.
So that we all appreciate the issues at hand, we are talking about a radioactive substance that is released in vapor form. It is highly reactive with water, explosive. This means that the damage of a direct contact would be an instantaneous burst when the radioactive cesium makes contact with moisture, but few people will make this kind of contact because the
radioactivity will be carried by the wind and "fallout" with precipitation.
It will then contaminate the natural environment. Some people may want to plant spiderwort or observe if they have it growing because it is apparently a good barometer of the extent of toxicity from radiation. The lowers change color when exposed to radiation. It makes me think of morning glories in Hawaii because I always noticed the rapid color changes but never really asked why.
We could hypothesize as to what exactly happens to the plant to produce this change and it would at minimum seem that the bioflavonoids are impacted because the colors of a plant are a clue to the flavonoids. We all need to remember that the nonverbal species are pictorial and use imagery to communicate!
Here, nothing is in bloom yet, not even the very, very late crocus flowers!!!
So, here is the problem: fallout will accumulate in the soil and be absorbed by plants which then yield a certain amount of radioactivity when ingested by foraging animals or people. In short, our world is polluted so in addition to the immediate risks, there are longer-term risks, meaning in this case that the uptake of potassium needs to be consistently somewhat higher than might ordinarily be the case.
This may almost be rocket science, but the management of the risks is within the scope of everyone's potential. To explain this further, let me go into the structure of kelp and its gelatinous constituent, sodium alginate. This is not assimilated but it bonds. It means that the moist and mucilaginous material can absorb and haul out radioactive particles. We use this substance all the time to thicken well known food products. Just look for "agar" on the ingredients list of foods.
Combing Steven Schechter's book for nuggets, he cites studies on rats who were fed beet pulp. They were able to prevent absorption of cesium-137. I happen to hate beets but I know the red agent in beets is a hydroxyl free radical scavenger. Nutritional yeast is another excellent food for the present situation. It helps to rebuild cells that are damaged by radiation.
This is something I use extensively. It is nonviable because it is roasted so do not worry about a "yeast infection".
As I said, I will keep sending short messages that are less overwhelming. The next will explain seaweed in more depth.
Many blessings,
Please note that the contents of these emails are copyrighted by Ingrid
aiman and usually posted online right before or immediately after being
ent to the list. An index of articles can be found at
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
JAPAN's nuclear situation
I was wondering about writing this piece when a member of the international Healing Prayers Circle asked if we, as a group, could do something about this situation. (He has a background in nuclear physics). That was all the nudging I needed.
Many are concerned about nuclear fallout from the reactors.
When I tuned in I was given this visualization which we can all do:-
Visualise a bubble of protection around each nuclear plant and/or reactor.
This tough skinned bubble is able to contain all nuclear emissions within it and keep it sealed.
Transmit the word "containment" continually as you do this.
Also send white light down into the nuclear plants/reactors to cool down and stabilise them.
Continue to flood the area and entire country with healing light every time you catch yourself thinking about the situation.

I am sure you will all have your own methods and ways. Once again if we all do it at the same time collectively, I know that we can help to ease this situation.
Remember to keep yourselves calm inside.
Everyone is still in a state of shock and Earth Sensitives will be feeling this very acutely. As I have said before, ground these feelings by walking in Nature and stay out until you feel better. Have lots of hugs and give lots of hugs! Attune to the Trees and Stone People, they have messages to give you regarding the situation.
Healing Blessings to y'all
Elly x
Many are concerned about nuclear fallout from the reactors.
When I tuned in I was given this visualization which we can all do:-
Visualise a bubble of protection around each nuclear plant and/or reactor.
This tough skinned bubble is able to contain all nuclear emissions within it and keep it sealed.
Transmit the word "containment" continually as you do this.
Also send white light down into the nuclear plants/reactors to cool down and stabilise them.
Continue to flood the area and entire country with healing light every time you catch yourself thinking about the situation.

I am sure you will all have your own methods and ways. Once again if we all do it at the same time collectively, I know that we can help to ease this situation.
Remember to keep yourselves calm inside.
Everyone is still in a state of shock and Earth Sensitives will be feeling this very acutely. As I have said before, ground these feelings by walking in Nature and stay out until you feel better. Have lots of hugs and give lots of hugs! Attune to the Trees and Stone People, they have messages to give you regarding the situation.
Healing Blessings to y'all
Elly x
Saturday, 12 March 2011
JAPAN and other events
Everyone is still reeling from yesterday's events. However it wasn't just Japan, Bali had an earthquake of 6.5, so did Russia which also had a couple of volcanoes erupt, Jakarta Indonesia volcano also erupted. And there will be more. New Zealand is not out of the woods and China has been rumbling too.
All of this is part of the predictions from decades ago, we have all known for some time that stuff like this was going to happen. That time is now, we are right in the thick of it, this is what the Ascension Process is all about.
The fact is that earthquakes are happening all the time and more frequently than many realise, it is only the biggies that get reported by the media.
If you keep watching the news and getting sucked into the awfulness of it all, then to paraphrase Ekhart Tolle, you are connecting to the Pain Body of the masses. And if you are in pain and awfulness then you are of no use to anyone because you are caught in a lower vibration.
(Those directly caught up in these events will of course be feeling shock/pain, my comments are not aimed at them, this is aimed at those of us lucky enough to be safe and well).
Connect to Love.
Send Healing.
Focus on and transmit Light around our entire world.
There is much shaking up going on, and many innocents are caught up in events.
STOP watching the news and use that time instead to transmit something useful like love, healing and light.
Together, I know that we have the power to help the Earth Mother's birthing pains and to help those caught up in the Earth changes.
By using our time in a positive, proactive (rather than reactive) way I know that together we can lessen the severity of what needs to happen. We have proved this many times over the past decade.

As I said in my monthly update, this is the time of the Rainbow Warriors. It is time for the Warrior within to come out and stand tall now. You are needed.
Be a part of the solution not the problem. Be pro-active not reactive.
May you and yours be well and safe.
Healing Blessings
Elly x
All of this is part of the predictions from decades ago, we have all known for some time that stuff like this was going to happen. That time is now, we are right in the thick of it, this is what the Ascension Process is all about.
The fact is that earthquakes are happening all the time and more frequently than many realise, it is only the biggies that get reported by the media.
If you keep watching the news and getting sucked into the awfulness of it all, then to paraphrase Ekhart Tolle, you are connecting to the Pain Body of the masses. And if you are in pain and awfulness then you are of no use to anyone because you are caught in a lower vibration.
(Those directly caught up in these events will of course be feeling shock/pain, my comments are not aimed at them, this is aimed at those of us lucky enough to be safe and well).
Connect to Love.
Send Healing.
Focus on and transmit Light around our entire world.
There is much shaking up going on, and many innocents are caught up in events.
STOP watching the news and use that time instead to transmit something useful like love, healing and light.
Together, I know that we have the power to help the Earth Mother's birthing pains and to help those caught up in the Earth changes.
By using our time in a positive, proactive (rather than reactive) way I know that together we can lessen the severity of what needs to happen. We have proved this many times over the past decade.

As I said in my monthly update, this is the time of the Rainbow Warriors. It is time for the Warrior within to come out and stand tall now. You are needed.
Be a part of the solution not the problem. Be pro-active not reactive.
May you and yours be well and safe.
Healing Blessings
Elly x
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
MARCH Updates
It’s the beginning of March and I can truly feel a massive shift in energy. I am so excited about March, I know it is going to be magical! There are many reasons to celebrate in March, I am looking forward to Spring Equinox when everything will start springing forward for us.
(You know, I am so grateful for astrology. I had just finished writing this when the astro info for the month started coming in, it confirmed much of the information I had already written, dontcha just luv when that happens!)
On 27 March in the UK, the next Census will be conducted. There is a drive going on for those of us who are not religious to put ourselves down as ‘Holistic’. Whilst I understand the sentiment, this just doesn’t sit with me. Mainly because it seems to only encompass those who are already working in the holistic field, and I feel the word may put some people off.
For decades now I have always put Jedite in the box (personally I don’t think it’s any of their business). I did this because I believe in and connect to Source – ‘The Force’. Such profound wisdom was channelled through those films which helped to awaken many people. (Anyone who has ever been into these films knows how much channelling went on and was shared with the public, years before the masses were even aware of enlightenment, vibration and consciousness). We are all intergalactic Warriors whose mission it is to protect and love Earth, and to help and protect any others, wherever they live and whatever planet they live on. The time is fast approaching when we will be using intergalactic communications more and more (those who have strong connections to Sacred Stone Circles will already have had some of these experiences and communications). I remember that my friends at the time were absolutely horrified that I would dare to do such a thing on an official form, but it is a subject that I feel very strongly about and I know I am not alone in this, hence the recent move with the ‘holistic’ word campaign.
The word Jedite may also put some people off, interestingly in the USA, over half a million people are putting this on their census forms and it has become Britain’s fourth largest religion. Unfortunately the whacky brigade jumped on the bandwagon and it has lost any authenticity, it is now just like any other whacko religion. I would hate to see that happen to the ‘holistic’ campaign. It is also a well known fact that the government uses any word we put down regarding our religion to manipulate funding to maintain state funded faith schools, so the holistic campaign will play right into their hands yet again. Far better to tick the ‘No Religion’ box, that way our beliefs cannot be manipulated for profit (or worse). So I have abandoned my romantic idealism as a Jedi and now prefer to be more incognito. What will you do?
During the past month we have seen an increase in Healing Prayers requests. We really have to look after our health, I know I keep saying it, but if we are to be of any use to anyone we need to be strong and healthy. (And believe me I am taking good heed of this too).
For decades now I have always put Jedite in the box (personally I don’t think it’s any of their business). I did this because I believe in and connect to Source – ‘The Force’. Such profound wisdom was channelled through those films which helped to awaken many people. (Anyone who has ever been into these films knows how much channelling went on and was shared with the public, years before the masses were even aware of enlightenment, vibration and consciousness). We are all intergalactic Warriors whose mission it is to protect and love Earth, and to help and protect any others, wherever they live and whatever planet they live on. The time is fast approaching when we will be using intergalactic communications more and more (those who have strong connections to Sacred Stone Circles will already have had some of these experiences and communications). I remember that my friends at the time were absolutely horrified that I would dare to do such a thing on an official form, but it is a subject that I feel very strongly about and I know I am not alone in this, hence the recent move with the ‘holistic’ word campaign.
The word Jedite may also put some people off, interestingly in the USA, over half a million people are putting this on their census forms and it has become Britain’s fourth largest religion. Unfortunately the whacky brigade jumped on the bandwagon and it has lost any authenticity, it is now just like any other whacko religion. I would hate to see that happen to the ‘holistic’ campaign. It is also a well known fact that the government uses any word we put down regarding our religion to manipulate funding to maintain state funded faith schools, so the holistic campaign will play right into their hands yet again. Far better to tick the ‘No Religion’ box, that way our beliefs cannot be manipulated for profit (or worse). So I have abandoned my romantic idealism as a Jedi and now prefer to be more incognito. What will you do?
During the past month we have seen an increase in Healing Prayers requests. We really have to look after our health, I know I keep saying it, but if we are to be of any use to anyone we need to be strong and healthy. (And believe me I am taking good heed of this too).
Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so. As I have said before, we are on the same path but at different stages, so just take what feels right for you now, and keep the rest as future reference. Although I speak as if these things have already happened, for some they have yet to happen.
Accelerated Clearing
And really accelerated, which has been a bit rough for some. It’s like on some level you have decided to get rid of all you don’t need on every level, only it’s happening really quickly this time. You must rest when you go through this phase, and drink plenty of water.
Spaciness and Dizziness
Continues with the now non-stop Earth changes and energy fluctuations. Hang onto your hats, March will be another month of surfing the cosmic waves which will trigger all kinds of Ascension symptoms.
Aches and pains
From head to toe in some people as they go through the accelerated clearing phase. Help lessen aches and pains by taking a magnesium supplement (you will need to dowse/test for the type that suits your body chemistry best). Eliminate acid forming foods and drinks what exacerbate joint pain (tomatoes, citrus, dairy, alcohol etc). Drink plenty of water.
Crown and Third Eye working overtime at the moment. This has been causing headaches in some people as their Third Eye goes through the next round of clearing. Ensure that you are protecting the psychic gateway at the back of your neck before you leave your home each day and also at night before sleep. And don’t forget your chakra protections shield too.
Thank y’all for the healing you sent my way, it took three trips but eventually they were able to sort out the root canal problem. And it wasn’t just me, I heard from so many friends and colleagues who all around the world who were also having tooth problems around the same time as me. What does this mean? For myself, I know it was to do with the very stressful Christmas I had and all the worry (plus anger) about my mother, it caused my immune system to take a massive knock. I have resolved to never let myself get so stressed again! What about everyone else? Could this also be part of helping us to get rid of the old, allowing us to shore up our foundations as we step into the new? Is it to do with speaking our truth? Is it preparing us for new communications? What do you think?
There has been a very strong pull to keep us in our heads to prevent us from being fully present. It’s feeling as if you are drifting off somewhere but you’re not sure where. It’s a nice feeling but it prevents you from getting anything done in 3D land. This has resulted in accidents and mishaps for some because they weren’t fully present and paying attention to what is going on around them. (You won’t believe how often I have had to use our ‘Ground Control’ essence this past month and it looks like I’m going to be keeping the bottle handy for March too!)
Psychic attack
This time from close quarters, quite unexpected, and for some of you from people you thought were friends. Be alert; be fully present so that you can nip it in the bud before it gets to you.
Cosmic Slug Syndrome
Was back (refer to our ‘Ascension Tips’ mini book for more info). You might find that you need more food more often and are craving protein as you go through this phase. It doesn’t usually last more than a week, so be careful not to set up overeating habits!
You know I am so excited about March that I am bouncing around like one of the lambs in the field! Right from the start I have been feeling that it will be a magical month for many of us. It is going to be transformative for sure (isn’t it interesting how many people have been drawn to raw food and healthier eating plans since the turn of the year, they have been preparing for this transformation).
Many of us know (and have known for most our lives) that we are Rainbow Warriors. Well it’s here folks, the time has come for us to step up and be Warriors for the Light like we never have before. Over the coming 18 months we will be facing the biggest battle Lightworkers have ever had to face. So we have to get over our own fears and get on with it. The time for playing small is well and truly over. We need to show our face, and be prepared to use our weapons (Sword of Truth, Shield of Light etc) like we never have before.
For those of us working in the complementary health fields, especially essences, herbs and nutrition, we have had the oppressors trying to stop us for nearly a decade, well it hasn’t worked and it’s not going to. We know that we can help the people with the work that we do. The people are our main priority, many are innocents caught up in all of this. They are unaware of what is going on out there and sucked in by what the media tries to influence us all with.
We must stick to our truth and speak it and act it now. We must radiate Light continually wherever we go so that we keep the vibration raised wherever we are. And it’s not easy, we get tired too, we get fed up and feel like we are so alone in what we believe and feel. But this is what we came here for, this is what we signed up for, this is what we have been waiting for.
March is the month for getting organized, getting healthy, getting clear on what you want, overcoming fear every time your ego throws it up at you, as Solara once said, it’s about “living large on a small planet”. Tune into Spirit, strengthen your spiritual connections and allow yourself to be guided by the One Heart, the One Truth. May your Light shine brilliantly!
Your thoughts
Your fear
Your family
Your physical Self
Your emotional Self
Your mental Self
The key for the coming month is LIGHT. Do the Light Transmission Meditation we were doing back in November every day and up your wattage! As you go about your day, remember to check in with yourself now and then to see how your Light is doing. Glow gently as you go about your day so that the soft rays of your Light gently touch all who are near you. Ensure your home (and each room) is well lit over the coming month. Bring more Light in through the vibration of colour, update your clothing and rooms with more colour, be daring and bold with it! Put brighter bulbs in your lamps and/or get more lamps. Light candles more often and merge with their wonderful soft, phosphorous Light. Pull your curtains right back and let more Light into your home every day. Eat healthier and more lightly, take in Light through nourishing food and bless your food with Light at each meal (changes the vibration and molecular structure so that you get maximum benefit). Stand tall like a Lighthouse and know your purpose.
L oving
I nspiring
G iving
H ealing
T rusting
If you are having a difficult time working through issues that the Ascension Process may be bringing up, you may find 1-2-1 support helpful. Contact me for more details.
Please Note:
These Ascension updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose any kind of dis-ease or malady you may be experiencing. If you have concerns about your health, I strongly advise you to see a qualified medical practitioner. (Don’t get carried away in spiritual la-la land and override any messages that your body may be trying to give you). If in doubt – check it out!
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