Tuesday 6 August 2013

NEW MOON and LIONGATE Blessings!

NEW MOON and LIONGATE Blessings!

 Copyright Josephine Wall

On the 1st of August to celebrate Lughnasadh (Lammas) and in preparation for the upcoming Liongate, I went out into Nature to harvest more herbs.  It was a very hot day.

As I approached the field I normally cut across, I was stopped in my tracks by the beauty of it.  The field has been rested this year. A wide variety of grasses and plants have decided  to grow there, making it a feast for the eyes.  Long grasses, oats from previous years, green manure crops (one with Lupin-like seeds, the other Chamomile) both GMO unfortunately, some Artemisia and a sprinkling of bright red field Poppies.  I was mesmerised watching the patterns created by the wind dancing through the waist high, rustling plants there.  And then I realised that there were hundreds of white Butterflies hovering and darting just above the level of the plants.  I stood for ten minutes completely entranced and surrounded by these clouds of divine little white Beings. (You can just about see them in the above photo, they were darting about so quickly they were hard to photograph).

I continued on my way and I could smell the second field before I could see it.  A smell that evoked warm memories of childhood summers, the sweet smell of golden corn ripened by the Sun.  Now a combine harvester was harvesting it and the acre of golden, waving corn was disappearing leaving behind its sweet scent.

I finally reached the area where I needed to be, made an offering to the Chief Plant and gathered only what I needed.  (Please note I am gathering weeds on public land, weeds that are due to be cut down in the next week).  Whilst there I am welcomed and invited into the shade by a lovely old tree whose branches created the perfect resting place, a most welcome cool canopy of shade.  I drank some water and there rested a few minutes before setting off home with my sack of green and growing treasure, ready to work with the plants as soon as I got home.  I spent a happy hour or so back at home sorting them out.

Do take some time off during August to get out and connect with Nature.  Make the most of the long, hot days whilst they last.  The Fireweed has been blooming for several weeks already, so Autumn is just around the corner.


”I will”
A fixed sign (not fond of change despite giving the opposite impression, and stubborn as heck if s/he thinks they are right).
A fire sign.
Represents pride, expression, romance, nobility, leadership, gambling, speculation, games, entertainment, the Arts, theatre, education, youth, drama, working with children (including teaching), theatre/acting, fame.

August is the month of Leo the Lion who brings his fiery energy to our lives over the coming weeks.  This is good for those who need a bit of fire to get them motivated again, however it is not so good for those already carrying a lot of fire energy, as they may either burn themselves out or flare up at anyone who crosses their path.  This fire energy can also make you feel restless and unsettled without knowing why.  It can make you feel like time is running out, that you have to rush everything and this can make you feel anxious.

The key to coping with and using this fire energy is to stay grounded!  You might be so excited about something that you are working on, launching, etc that you will be burning the candle at both ends, forgetting to eat properly or drink enough water and before you know it you will be an wreck by the time September starts!  Pace yourselves and be sensible, balance is essential during August.

Many have been feeling very tired over the past week, this can be resistance to something that is now coming up for healing/processing.  The fire has been lit and something is rising, something that needs to come into the light.  Try not to resist it, or you will start to feel ill and not understand why.  Leo energy brings up inner child issues that need healing so that we can once more become the playful, golden child who is happy, feels free and delights in everything in his/her world.  We are all in the new Age of Aquarius, we are all growing and expanding at a rapid rate now.  Growth spurts can be painful at times but are necessary.
Meditate, ask your Guides for clarity, drink plenty of water and take some essences to help keep your vibration raised.  (If you don’t keep your vibration raised you can sink into depression and couch potato mode).
You must look after yourself this month, many of you have already started cleaning up your nutrition and recognizing that in order to succeed, the physical vehicle must be in peak condition.  Enjoy nourishing and pampering your physical being.

I’ve tripped up already.  I reacted to something somebody wrote on a forum I belong to.  I was an idiot to get sucked in, as the whole thing got worse and all because of my knee-jerk reaction.  I should have just left it well alone, as the person concerned really wasn’t worth it.  That was the Leo fire energy, my hackles rose and I reacted instead of checking how balanced and grounded I was, and whether it was worth wasting my energy on!

This Era of True Partnership that we now find ourselves in is really shaking up our perceived view of what we consider the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.  Many are accelerating in that divinity so fast and absorbing so much light, they are now becoming the true way showers for relationship.  However, on the other side of that are the ones who are not ready or less evolved, and who are choosing to try and pull those ascending in this energy back down into the third dimension.  They are choosing not to rise, not to allow their own divinity to increase and are hell bent on ensuring that others stay down with them.  There have been attacks on those carrying the higher masculine/feminine energies and usually from the opposite sex.  It truly is a time of staying on path, of not allowing these people and/or lower energies to stop you from ascending to your beautiful Divine state of Being.

August is holiday month, so find time to get out in the Sun and soak up some of those energising, healing rays.  Then you can shine your Light even brighter like gregarious, loving Leo.  Extend warmth to all (even those who wind you up) and be like the Sun.

Dynamic Leo is also a smooth talker and very persuasive, so don’t get caught out by believing the hype that someone may be selling, they could be a dodgy dealer.  That goes romantically too.  Leo is incredibly romantic and you may be swept off your feet (even against your better judgement).  If you accept it as a fling you will be okay, if you are hearing wedding bells, I would place bets that you get nowhere down that aisle.  And watch out if you don’t want to get pregnant this month, there is a lot of birthing energy around, and even those of us who are post-menopausal have been feeling broody!

On the plus side as many of us are becoming more clear on our true Soul’s purpose and building our dream, we are meeting other members of our Soul family, strengthening connections and creating new friendships.  These will be long lasting.  They are easy, familiar and supportive.  It is like finding the right ‘family’ or community at last.  However, take heed of the above warning and trust your instincts when dealing with people this month.

Don’t lose heart, we are still in a massively expansive, creative time and we still have supportive energies around us.  We are in the Age of Aquarius, it’s just that recently at times, you haven’t felt much love and light with all the cr*p you have had to deal with.  That’s because we are in the transition stage.  As one person so aptly described it, you can’t go from A-Z without all the other steps inbetween.  And that is where we are; we are working on our new way of living, being and working and how we are now presenting ourselves in the world.  All of that takes time.  Tune into your inner guidance and gut feelings about every step you are taking, ask yourself:-

“Does this fit the dream?”
“Does this take me in the direction of my dream?”
“Does this make my energy go up or down?”
“What else do I need to do to make the dream happen?”
“What seems scary but actually is manageable?”
“Do I need to say Yes more?”
“What do I need to be more daring about?”

Check your chart, which house is Leo in?  This is the area where you are being urged to be daring, bold and courageous, to take a big leap, to take chances.

Remember together we are creating the new world, the new reality, so don’t lose heart, keep the faith, keep believing and keep building.  If you feel as if it is never going to happen for you, stay strong (like Leo the Lion) and know that it will happen for you, at the right time.  And don’t forget to celebrate all the little triumphs and successes along the way.  That way the Universe will bring you more good stuff to celebrate.

The Grand Trines in the sky (The Star of David) continue giving us all another chance to make the dream happen.  It is essential to stay grounded during all this dynamic energy, and to keep your channel clear for further downloads.  More amazing insights, ideas and revelations are available during August for those open to receiving them.  These will all provide more pieces to the puzzle and help you with your plans.  Don’t be afraid to try something new, don’t be afraid to offer something new, use the courage of Leo the Lion to dare to step out of your box (especially creatively) and just do it!  Will power is an awesome tool when used in the right way.

Stay away from those who don’t get it.  Don’t let anyone or anything burst your bubble regarding your dream.  Surround yourself with those on the same path, those who believe in you and support your dreams and goals.  We are still sifting and sorting, clearing and purging on every level of our life, and that includes people as well as possessions and beliefs etc.  Leos love themselves (sometimes a bit too much!) but we could all learn from them.   By loving and trusting ourselves we remain solid and on path and destined for success.

August is also a very sociable month, so don’t be all work and no play.  Get out there and play with friends and family.  Accept invitations and have a fabulous time!  Remember to be the extraordinary, creative individual that you are.  Dare to express that now in all aspects of yourself.  Some people might be stunned by the new, colourful, daring you – just revel in it.  Who knows - they might secretly be inspired to do the same – and all because of you.  In true dramatic Leo style (no wonder so many of them are in show business) the world is your stage dahling!

If you want some inspiration about how to be bolder and courageous take a look at the awesome older ladies in Ari Seth Cohen’s brilliant Blog, Advanced Style (http://advancedstyle.blogspot.com/2013/08/styling-in-rain.html?m=1). They don’t give a stuff what people think, they dress for themselves and for the sheer pleasure of exploring their creativity.  They do what they want, when they want, and they make the world a brighter place.  They are not afraid to strut their stuff (perfect Leo energy) and brighten up the world.

Leo also likes the finer things in life and insists on good quality.  Be like Leo, make up your mind that only the best will do for you now, anything that is second best will not make it in your life.  You have come through so much and have come so far now, that only the best will do.



Each year on 8-8 a powerful portal called the Liongate opens.  Through that a surge of powerful energy is received by us from the Dog Star, Sirius.  It is said to be in alignment (on this one day) with the Sphinx and Great Pyramid of Giza, a direct portal link to ancient, Egyptian knowledge.  The Egyptians carried the ancient Star and Starseed knowledge.  It is a time passageway.  Through Sun energy it helps us to birth the new in ourselves and our lives.

The Lion Gate is a portal that opens for one powerful day every Summer, giving us a much needed blast of intense light from the Galactic Centre and Solar energy to sustain us through our ongoing ascension journey and for the long Winter days ahead.  This blast of energy through its energy gateway directly affects the Heart chakra.  It energises and opens the heart centres of all sentient Beings, elevating their heart energy to a new level. 

(Those of you who work with Fire medicine will be feeling it especially this day). 

Try and take it easy on the 8th if you can, and just allow these energies to flow through you.  Trust that they will be absorbed without you having to do anything.

I have noticed an increase in powerful energy over the years on this day, and I had to wait a long time for the right year, for the numerology to be right to make an essence on 8-8-8. 


Galactic Energy Essence


Karma and infinity weave together our past, present and future.  This date presented us with a unique portal which we could step through.  By weaving our personal journey and time together in this way, we can link into and attain Universal Consciousness and know the freedom of not being bound by linear time. 

The 8’s are about balancing karma (and are also related to creativity).  On its side, the 8 creates the Symbol of Infinity, another powerful symbol.  There are three 8’s; one for each time phase; past, present and future, and all are held within a circle, the Sacred Hoop of Life.  The 8-8-8 harmonic is a vortex of pure energy, which provides us with a Time Lock or Time Gate.

The ‘Infinity Flower’ essence effortlessly weaves together our past, present and future moving us to a point of power.  It helps you to open the Gate of Power guarded by Lion spirits who help you to claim I AM POWER – NOW.  This will give you strength on your journey forward.
This essence was made on an incredibly auspicious day. It was the day that the Chinese Olympics opened, the date and time chosen by the Chinese because in their culture the sound of the number 8 is similar to the word they have for wealth.  In Feng Shui 8 is considered a lucky number for abundance, money and wealth.  By using this essence you will be able to open yourself to abundance of all kinds in all forms.  Allow the gifts of Heaven to come down to you and reflect in your life, and don’t be afraid to step through the Lion Gate that is the portal to a more abundant way of life for you.
You can get the Essence here: http://www.theapothecarygarden.org/Products---ESSENCES.html (page in alphabetical order)


You may be asked to change something in your life, or everything.  Be open to the new adventures and opportunities, scary though it/they may be.  We are all being pushed out of our comfort zones to become the full magnificent, colourful Beings that we are and invited to take our rightful place on the world ‘stage’.

August may be challenging at times but it can also be a lot of fun.  We have the choice.  It’s like someone recently said, “Which channel are you tuning into?  The Awful channel or the Joy channel?”  Leo the Lion brings us strength through any adversity plus playfulness, Leo reminds us to lighten up, we are stronger than we think we are.  This month really is about letting your heart and gut guide you and keeping that negative mind in check.  Abundance is available for many and in many different forms this month, so keep the faith and remain open to receiving. 

August is the month to go for it – in every way – be brave, be bold, be colourful, be YOU!

Sunny Blessings to y’all
Elly x

Copyright E. Yule ©2013 Worldwide Rights Reserved

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