Wednesday 5 December 2012



Well it’s another incredible month for us all.  The energies are intensifying as we head towards the Winter Solstice (which is always a powerful time), as well as preparing to pass through the massive portal of 12th December, plus the Mayan End of Days predictions for December 21st.  All this and Christmas to prepare for too!

DARK NIGHTS: 10th, 11th, 12th December
Remember that your energy will feel lower than usual; you may feel more tired as the Earth pulls you towards her.  Time to go into your cave; reflect on what has happened and what you have achieved in the past month.  To give thanks for all that has occurred during this lunation.  Decide what it is you want to let go of and what you would like to see grow with the next New Moon cycle.  Prepare your New Moon Manifestation List – these are the magical wishing days of the Moon.  On the New Moon, light your candle and read your list aloud, then place it somewhere special such as your altar, and let Grandmother Moon get to work on helping you to manifest what is for your highest good over the coming month.  These days signal to you the beginning of a new Power time.

This is probably your busiest time of the year, yet the Dark Moon will call you to rest and reflect.  Don’t resist and don’t ignore it.   Build in some rest time over these days and you will gather enough energy to complete everything before the holidays.  Bear in mind also, that the 12th is the most significant date of this month (and in fact, this year) and you will definitely need to mark out some quiet time for that day.

NEW MOON – 13th December in Sagittarius @ 08:40am GMT
This New Moon in travel loving Sag will occur on December 13th in the UK. The New Moon is a time to start again, an opportunity to start anew and bring in the new.  New moons encourage reassessment and planning for the month ahead, you may have a need to be alone during the first few days.  You also may want to stay at home and may not feel you have the energy for going out or travelling.  Any seeds (ideas and positive energy) planted during a New Moon will culminate and flourish during the Full Moon.  The New Moon to Full Moon is a time of creation and expansion, of dynamic energy.  What are you going to create for your coming month ahead, where are you going to focus your energies?

This is the day after the most important day of the year. Mark it well by creating your New Moon Wish List for the coming year.  Reflect on 2012 and decide what you intend to manifest for yourself (with the loving support and help of Grandmother Moon, the Universe and your Guides and Angels) for 2013.

FULL MOON - 28th December in Cancer @ 10:21pm GMT

The Full Moon in home loving Cancer will occur on December 28th in the UK.  The Full Moon is a powerful culmination and celebration of all that you have achieved in the past few weeks.  It is the peak of the month and the harvesting of all that you have planted and created since the New Moon.  Now the events of recent weeks come to a ripe fullness.  Breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate.  Remember the Full Moon is the best time for feasting, mating and debating!  So set aside some quality time for you and your beloved, eat something wonderful, talk to each other, and love, love, love, under the light of the Full Moon.  (And if you are on your own, do this for yourself and enjoy!).  Remember Full Moons are the right time for celebrating and revelling in your successes.

Perfect energy for this time of year as we spend it with friends and family.  This Full Moon invites you to celebrate this magnificent month as you prepare for the New Year ahead.


Well it’s here - December 2012 has arrived.  Everyone keeps banging on about the Mayan end date of 21st December 2012 however it is 12th December that is more important, that day a massive portal is opening, inviting us to have the courage to step through into the futures we have longed for. 

And some people have also been going over the top about the date saying it is 12.12.12 well actually it is 12.12.2012, and it is very important to use and honour the full date. 
In the science of Numerology, 12.12.2012 adds up to the single number of 11, a Master Number, a doorway.  So this day also carries the vibration of the supreme Master Number 11 (interestingly last month saw the last of the 11:11 activations).  11 represents inspiration, revelation, mysticism and occult teachings (spiritual healing, clairvoyancy, intuition, etc).  We are on the threshold of the new, and it is scary, exhilarating, exciting, and worrying because we have no idea what is next. 
Also there are three ‘1’s in the date representing the Holy Trinity (me, myself and I, etc) and three is further emphasised when you total the day (1+2=3) and the same for the month total.  (The year adds up to 5 representing experimentation, language, concrete knowledge/facts and change).
There are four 2’s, which add up to 8 – the number of karma (balancing karma) and creativity (through the healing and balancing of karma new creativity is ready to emerge). 
It is absolutely essential to set aside some downtime to attune to the energies being offered on this day.  Be prepared also for the unexpected as anything could happen.

I am choosing to attune to the fact that it is also the Sacred Season, and I will be setting aside time for sacred moments and creating sacred space that day in order to open myself to the gifts now being offered to us through this portal.  I will give thanks for the year that we have had, my gratitude that we have come through it so well despite many challenges.  I will set out my requests for the year ahead and ask that this or something even better be brought our way.  I will allow time so that I can sit and absorb the energies and frequencies that will be available for downloading that day.  For me, this is the holiest day of this month and the day that will set us up for our entry into 2013 and beyond.  Decide to commit even further to your role as a Lightworker and bearer/sharer of the Great Love. 

Interestingly the New Moon (still in Her dark moon phase) happens the day after, which is why I suggested in the Astrology section, to sit down and write out your New Moon Wish List for the year ahead.  The energies are very powerful around these dates and so use your personal power in a positive way to lay the foundation for your year ahead.  This date is “the final release before the Winter Solstice.”

And give yourself recognition for the fact that, as a Lightworker, you have endured, struggled, blossomed and grown over the past 10-15 years and have reached the end of the Ascension road we have all shared together.  We have grown up Spiritually, we are happy to be responsible and accept total responsibility for our lives and all that we create in them.  We are excited to offer our gifts more widely to our communities and beyond.  We are excited about what is yet to come, we have no idea what that is, but we just know that it is going to be good and we will still be travelling together.
We are aware that we are already perfect, that in God/dess’ eyes there is nothing wrong with us, nothing that needs fixing or tweaking, we are Spirit personified, just as we are right now.  (I received the biggest Aha about this when I read Anita Moorjani’s book “Dying to Be Me”) So let yourself off the hook, especially that New Age hook which over intellectualises everything and thinks too much; “oooh I should be doing more meditation” or “am I doing it right?” there is no such thing as doing it wrong! 

The recent powerful Full Moon and Eclipse knocked many for six (and they still hadn’t got over the previous Moon and Eclipse!).  Illness increased ensuring that you were stopped for a while to rest and recharge.  Others experienced the return of depression, which thankfully wasn’t long lasting, but brought our attention to where we had suppressed anger and where we needed to do more clearing.  And we are having the final clear-out now as we head towards the auspicious dates coming up this month.  If this happens for you, get outside as much as the weather allows, you need Light and absorbing the healing light of the Sun will help you greatly.  And don’t forget to ask your Guides and Angels for help, they need something to do!
Some felt the Death Pull; some Lightworkers who are old Souls have felt very weary since the beginning of November.  This is just a phase although its lure is very seductive, go deeper within to ask yourself why you feel this way.  If you let go and let God/dess, all will be well and soon you will feel your energy and hope return.

The Mercury Retrograde influence lingered as many had problems with electrical equipment and other things going wrong in the home and office.

Many four leggeds crossed over during that last Moon phase as well, at least three people I know lost their little dogs.  And, as is usual at this time of year, many human beings have been crossing over and will continue to do so as more folks choose to use the Solstice energies to help them cross.  They have completed what they needed to do here and are ready to go back home.  I lost a friend who was much younger than me, she was beautiful inside and out and it was a bit of a shock, but I know that she is so happy to be back home, merged with Spirit in the Great Love.  Those of you who are Deathwalkers or Dreamwalkers may be feeling more tired than usual, as you have been helping to guide these Souls back to the light during your dreamtime.

All this just reminds us that life is a cycle as we travel the Wheel of the Year each year, that we transition from Season to Season, and that this is the only constant that there is.  And yes, it is sad when we lose those we love, and we move through emotional transition.  And yes it is sad when our life changes unexpectedly and we have to change jobs or change home, for example, when we don’t feel ready for it.  These physical transitions test us on every level and help us to grow into the fully developed Soul that we came here to be. 

Don’t allow what is occurring to close your heart, which will stop and block everything good that is about to come in for you.  If you are struggling, massage a drop of Rose essential oil or St. John’s Wort herbal flower oil on your heart chakra.  If you don’t have either, you can use Lavender (but ensure that you have diluted it in some carrier oil first).  Remaining open-hearted when all about you is just chaos or plain nuts, is not easy but that is exactly what we are required to do right now.  This is the time of the One Heart, the Great Love, and there is great love available all around us right now, we just have to open to receiving and transmitting it.

The 21st December according to the Mayans is the end of the time of selfish interest (Macha) and the beginning of the time of humanity pulling together (Pasha).  At last people power will start to really make a difference.  This is due entirely to the work that you have done on yourself over your Ascension journey, by clearing and raising your vibration you have enabled the vibration of the masses to be raised and people power is growing in strength.  The masses are finding their voice and strength within, especially when dealing with all that is corrupt in our political, religious and financial arenas.  Yes, there are still far too many who are still asleep, and so we will keep on keeping on, as my Elders say, holding the Light, shining it bright and keeping the vibration raised as high as possible.

And yes, the Earth changes will continue for a while longer as Mother Earth births the New World for us all (which by the way, is right here and will happen in the blink of an eye).  These may carry on until Spring next year.  Transmit love to our beautiful Earth Mother, see Her as healed and whole and restored to Her original purity and beauty.
This year we lost a beautiful Hawaiian Elder, Raylene, she told us “do not speak of the Earth Mother as if She is sick, tell Her she is beautiful”.  I will never forger her words.  (If you would like to see the full interview with her, and you love plants and herbs, I highly recommend the film ‘Numen’ available from, there is so much in this beautifully produced film.  I was one of the first people on their waiting list for the film a few years ago, I had to wait 18 months for them to finish the film and it was worth the wait).  I have stayed in touch with them and recently one of the producers sent me this wonderful written interview with Raylene, which celebrated her life and honoured her

December requires positive thoughts and positive actions.  Every morning when I wake up, before I get out of bed, I open my arms wide and say “I am open to receiving all the good things in the Universe that are mine!”  I always have a good day when I’ve done that and definitely notice the difference on the days I forget.  It’s time to be vigilant about our happiness.  Over the past month or so I have had great energy, been feeling the most incredible love and peace and then suddenly during that last Moon phase it all went.  Within a few days the negative, judgmental mind chatter had come back, and it was a shock, as it was only then that I realised how happy I have been without it.  It took me a day or two to realise what was going on and then I got right back into my attitude of gratitude and back into my positive affirmations, and things settled down again.  Disengage from the Pain Body of the masses and from the projected Pain Body of those around you.  Decide that you will not carry forward pain but that you will only carry forward peace and love.  Break the chain, break the pattern, break the family miasms, now is the time to let all of that go and to be happy with who you are now, where you are now and with what you have right now.

Allow your inner child to celebrate and enjoy the Festive Season.  Do something silly, buy or make something silly, eat something naughty, write Santa a letter, whatever floats your boat do it!

And please don’t forget those that may be on their own during the holidays, give them a ring or pop in for a cuppa with them and check that they are okay.  Please donate generously to the food banks in your town as mass unemployment is causing great hardship for many families this season.
And don’t forget the little critters outside, they still need water and food, so share your leftover bread and keep their water bowls topped up (don’t forget to break and get rid of any ice as early as you can in the day so that the water has time to warm up a bit for them).

KEY for the month:  REJOICING

Rejoice and celebrate yourselves.  Rejoice in the achievement of this long road of Ascension that you have been on.  Rejoice in your Spiritual maturity and all the gifts that this brings you.  Rejoice in being alive and free.  Rejoice in all that you have and are blessed with.  Rejoice in your ability to create and design your life now in whatever way you want.  Rejoice in your beauty and magnificence and rejoice in sharing it with the world.  Rejoice in your achievements – for they have been many.  Rejoice in making it this far.  Rejoice in the thrill of what is to come.  Rejoice in the fact that we continue to be greatly protected by our beloved Guides, Guardians, Angels, Totems and Allies.  Rejoice for the sheer joy of it!


R adiating
E ffortless
J oy
O bserving
I ntuitively
C aring
I mpetuously
N oticing
G oodness

AFFIRMATIONS for the month

I am open to receiving all that is good!
I celebrate myself and others
I am grateful for who I am and where I am
I believe in the power of Love
I rejoice in myself and my life
I believe in my power to create
I am open to more fun and love in my life
I am Light
All is very well in my World

 I send Festive Wishes for you and your loved ones that y’all have a very happy, fun, magical and peaceful Festive season.  I look forward to sharing the new adventure with you that 2013 will bring.
 Thank you all for taking the time to read my scribblings and for sharing the journey of this year with me.
 Festive Blessings!

Elly xx

Copyright E. Yule ©2012 Worldwide Rights Reserved

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