Thursday, 19 September 2013



Phew, it has been a bit of an emotional ride leading up to this Full Moon! 

The Full Moon is in dreamy (and often bossy) Pisces.  Dreamtime has become very vivid in the lead up to this moon and you may have found it difficult to concentrate as you felt dreamy and wanted to stare out of the window under this Pisces’ influence. 
This Full Moon invites us to release all that no longer serves us – on the inner and outer levels.  Many have already had the urge to purge again, and have been clearing clutter and reorganizing their living and work spaces, including their nutrition. 
There is a sense of endings with this Full Moon, which we must not resist.  There is a sense of not knowing what’s next.  Whatever you are feeling, look for what is positive and beautiful in your life and our beautiful world, focus on beauty within and without to keep your vibration raised.

And it’s Autumn; I love new Seasons, for me it is always out with the old and in with the new as we settle into the energies that the new Season brings.  I adore the colours of Autumn and the way that Nature teaches us exactly what we need to be doing at this time of year. 
Mind you the Autumn has come in so quickly here that it has been a bit of a shock to go from sun hot enough to burn one day to needing winter woollies and the heating on the next day!  However, a part of me is secretly looking forward to lighting candles in the evening again and I’m already thinking about knitting projects.

Adjustments continue

It’s been a strange few weeks as we seem to swing from one thing to another, from one way of feeling to another, and it can be difficult at times to maintain the new-found confidence/joy we have been experiencing when we disappointingly find ourselves dropping down again.  Some have found themselves swinging between clarity and confusion, elation and depression, confidence and fear, love and hate, anger and peace etc.  Be patient with yourself, we are all still adjusting to our new expanded selves and are being constantly tested by cr*p on the third dimension level. 

Attacks against the Feminine

There has been a rise in feminine power over the past couple of months, and for some women it has been a challenge adjusting to the new roles they now find themselves in, or realise that they must now step into.  It becomes even harder when they start getting cr*p from others just for living, speaking and being in their truth.  I have noticed over the past couple of weeks that many strong, spiritual women I know have been attacked for just being themselves or for speaking their truth, (or as in my case for being too professional!)  95%+ of these attacks have come from men.  (The remaining percentage coming from women linked to these men who have no idea what is really going on and are being led by these men). 
The challenge for these men is to overcome the old patriarchal need to damage and/or control the feminine.  They need to heal the damaged male within and embrace their divine feminine within.
The challenge for women is to not allow these tests to knock them off centre or off path.  You know who you are and you know what you need to do now and the role you must step up for.
I will not tolerate abuse of the feminine in any shape or form, and I will not tolerate disrespect of feminine wisdom.
As I have said many times, we are now in the Era of True Partnership, and as with all new eras, it takes a while to shake things down, eliminate old patterns of being and find new ways of being and living befitting of new dimensions and eras.
Be patient with yourself and others yet have the wisdom to step away from those who do not respect you. 

Consciousness chaos

Despite growth in consciousness amongst the masses, dumbing down of the masses continues and has indeed been stepped up.  This has been perfectly illustrated over the past year with the vast number of false flag ops designed specifically to whip the public into a fearful frenzy so that they will support the next war.  For the first time ever, the public refused to go along with it, so what did they do?  Yep, performed another false flag op to keep the public in fear.  Do they think we are all stupid?
This dumbing down is occurring in other areas too.  I have been astounded at how the public on both sides of the pond are willing to soak up anything and believe it without checking it out first.  Then if someone does point out the problem or danger with something, they choose to ignore it. 
I have seen this happen a lot regarding herbs and essential oils over the past month.  Unqualified people are posting on social media sites and public forums a lot of info about them without considering contraindications with medications etc.  What’s even worse is that the qualified professionals are not doing anything about it.  Dangerous info is dangerous to those of us working in these professions.  We have a responsibility that if we post/write anything, that we know what we are talking about. 
Responsibility is the key word at the moment, and there has been a distinct lack of responsibility in all areas/fields, from our governments right the way down to the layman.
It is time to tune into higher consciousness, to lift our own standards and stay away from those who only seek to lower them. 

Ego battles

This has been portrayed on the world stage as well as closer to home.  The bright light from this Full Moon is showing us clearly where we are stuck in our own egos as well as who is stuck in ego, who is acting from ego, who is projecting from ego and who is being dangerous from ego.  Those we may have tolerated in the past, we can no longer tolerate, as we can see clearly that they are driven solely by their ego rather than their heart. 
Many over the past month have been working so hard on themselves, aware that they need to overcome ego in order to fully live the Path of the Heart.  This is not an easy thing to achieve as the tests are numerous and sometimes you feel you are taking one step forward and then six back again. 
Persistence is key; the more you practice choosing love (heart) instead of fear (ego) the more it will become the norm in your life.  And the purer you become the worse some others seem to become around you.  As you live in your purer and higher truth, it seems to bring out the worst in those around you who are not ready for that yet and they will try and pull you down, right down to their level again.  Do not let this happen. 
Stay on track, keep on living from a place of love and trust and it will all balance out for you.  In the meantime, speak to others on the same wavelength as you for some mutual support, be kind to yourself and take plenty of time out for yourself – especially if you need to regroup and replenish yourself.  Get plenty of rest, keep drinking water to flush out any stress toxins and take some essences in your water to keep your vibration raised.  (If you would like any help in determining which Essences are best for you right now, then do contact me and I will dowse for you).

AUTUMN EQUINOX (Spring Equinox for those in southern hemisphere)

All of the above has been part of the build up to Equinox.  As is usual with the quarter festivals of the year, there is always an intense build up to them as they remind us about the need for balance in the planet, our lives and ourselves, and provide many examples about who and what is out of balance.  This Equinox is particularly powerful.  We have all expanded so much recently as we entered the Age of Aquarius.  We have been continually bombarded with different types of energies (surges of solar flares, photon belt, higher levels of Light etc).  This has left many reeling and some swinging from one extreme to another.  Now we are being called to regain balance and to find the right balance for ourselves and our lives. 

This Full Moon is also known as the Harvest Moon and invites us to celebrate our personal harvest from the year before we turn to preparing for Winter.  The Autumn Equinox gives us the perfect opportunity to think about the year we have had, to weigh everything up and make decisions about how we wish to proceed now.  It invites us to celebrate ourselves, our homes and land, and all that Mother Earth has provided for us over the wonder-full, lush Summer that we have just had. 
Grandmother Moon’s fullness lights us up from the inside showing us how much we have grown over the past year, how far we have travelled in our personal and spiritual development which She wants us to celebrate.  Too many on this pathway beat themselves up about not putting in enough spiritual practice etc, Grandmother Moon says
“Child, you are evolving with or without practice, you have opened yourself up to receive divine energies which you have allowed to pass through you, that is practice enough.” 

The light from this Full Moon is a wake-up call; you will now see things as they are not as you want them to be.  This Full Moon light is so powerful and illuminating that it can also feel quite terrifying.  Many of you have been so courageous in facing your own demons and dealing with everything that has been thrown at you this year, you have accepted the Age of Aquarius and are surrendering to the Will of the Divine.  You are aware that you have changed, that something has shifted but it hasn’t quite landed yet.  This is what can feel a bit weird and scary.  It’s almost as if your face is changing (you can feel tiny movements in the small bones of the face) but you are not sure what into, you are not sure who you are becoming.  Inside you may feel empty, so much has been emptied out and cleared.  You are not sure yet what should be filling this new void and you are cautiously getting familiar with the void (the void can bring up feelings of fear, displacement, loneliness, limbo).  Actually you don’t really need to know what is going on, you just need to Be.  It is the ego and your manic mind that want answers/explanations/step by step instructions/the plan.  Well there is no plan, this is how it is right now, and so the sooner we can all accept that the better.
Remember to keep your protection around you whilst you are in this vulnerable stage, this too will pass, you will soon receive clarity about what is going on, just be open to being steered in the direction that you need to go.
All of this is part of letting go of the ego and moving into the Path of the Heart.  The key is to get out of your head and solar plexus and stay in your heart.  The battle between heart and ego is tiring as your mind chatter can drain you of energy with its negativity.  Be a Messenger of Love (despite what is going on all around you), be the calm within the storm, focus on yourself and your heart centre and keep pulling yourself back into that calm, loving centre.  Breathe through your heart chakra and this will calm your emotions and your mind.  Get out in Nature and give your mind something else to focus on whilst you enjoy being recharged by grounding, Earth energy.

Whilst you are in this void state, remain open to messages from Spirit.  This is a time of big breakthroughs.  You may be given a new name to use in this lifetime; you may be given new guides and animal totems.  In the void you are in a space of massive creative consciousness, be open to what is trying to get your attention.  Big breakthroughs are possible now.  All of us need to remain open to the messages waiting to come through.  For some this is to do with your Soul purpose here on Earth, what comes through may seem totally radical and will completely alter your life as you know it, say yes to it, however bizarre it may seem to you.  (And do not seek others’ opinions about it, keep it to yourself, go into your heart and trust your heart and gut reaction.  You will know that it is what you need to do). 
We are surrendering every aspect of who we thought we are/were; this is why it feels scary, because we cannot yet see who we are becoming.  This is also tiring; you must build in periods of rest so that you can integrate the different layers of this process.

Remember that you are a Rainbow Warrior, that you were chosen to be here to birth the Age of Aquarius; therefore you do have the strength to cope with all of this.  You have done so well this year, give yourself a hug and a pat on the back, and hug yourself and others often!  Lift your chin up and always seek the light, allow it to permeate your entire Being and every cell of your Being.  Let go and go with the flow. Keep the faith and keep on keeping on!


 I let go effortlessly and easily

I accept with grace

I trust, I trust, I trust!

I am a beautiful Being in a beautiful World

Magic and miracles happen all around me!


UK discount REMINDER

Those of you in the UK still have a few days left to get the ABUNDANCE FLOW Kit at the special price of £32.50 (includes 50ml spray mist, 30ml essence, Abundance Affirmations, Feng Shui tips for abundance, and also includes p&p). Contact me for more details/info. (Offer ends 30th September 2013) FFI about the product visit our website

AUTUMN EQUINOX Blessings to y’all!

Revel in the colours of Autumn and bring them into yourself and your environment. 

Delight in Autumn landscapes, shapes and the smells of harvest time.

Delight in yourself and those you love, and have fun playing together in this first Moon of Falling Leaves.

You are beauty-full; let the world see you in your full, glorious colours.

Celebrate your harvest (inner and outer)

Happy Autumn / Fall! 

 Elly x

Copyright E. Yule ©2013 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Thursday, 5 September 2013



 Copyright Josephine Wall

The Dark Nights of the Moon really pulled us into some dark spaces and old wounds.  We had time to reflect on the woundings we have experienced this year, and our shadow has shown us woundings that we may have inflicted on others.  There has been a lot of push/pull energy with many folks not sure which way to go and getting a bit battered around by life.  This has all been quite heavy going, quite dark, yet all very necessary.  Remember, it’s not your job to heal the world only to heal yourself.  Be fully present to yourself and what you are experiencing, don’t trick yourself out of it or distract yourself, get right in there and deal with it, you have celestial and planetary support.  Clearing and healing must occur before new steps can be taken and new energy received guided by this lovely, feminine New Moon. 

“This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol is, ‘Finely lettered names and mysterious lines are seen; it is a family tree.’  I know several people who are healing their entire lineage as they do their inner work. Even if you’re not yet called to do this, whatever healing work you do on yourself cannot help but resonate positively down your ancestral line!” Benjamin Bernstein (

It has been hard to stay grounded and it has been hard to concentrate.   What you have put up with day-to-day you no longer can bear and want rid of.  Things need to change; you can feel the unrest deep inside, what fitted once no longer fits because you have changed so much.  Many of you don’t want to do the boring mundane stuff because you are full of expansive, creative, spiritual energy (hence the difficulty in grounding).  The trick is to continue to find the balance between those lovely creative energies and being able to function in the third dimension in a grounded way.

Tiredness persists – yet underneath it is a sense of excitement, a sense of knowing that something new and wonderful is on its way, you can feel deep inside you that something is blossoming and unfurling.
September you will be relieved to know, brings lighter energy after the challenges of July and August (which by the way have made you so much stronger and more clear about what you want).

And be patient with those who don’t understand what is going on.  Some people are walking around like headless chickens at the moment and are not able to communicate clearly what they want or how they feel.  They may press your buttons, be aggressive and make you angry – choose not to react, instead send love to bring comfort to their confusion.  They are terrified because they don’t know what is going on.

And on the other side of the coin, those that should know better don’t.  There is a lot of spiritual b*ll*cks going on at the moment, almost like there has been a massive ego surge amongst so many who ought to know better.  Stay well clear of them or they will take you down with them when that ego bubble bursts.

The Death Pull has been strong in some during their struggle these past few weeks.  This is very shamanic; it indicates that a part of you needs to die in order to be reborn.  It doesn’t mean you need to actually die; yet that is how it might feel.  Take time to explore what needs to die so that you can be reborn.  (If you are afraid of doing this on your own, contact me for a 1-2-1 session and I can guide you through this).


The New Moon is in Virgo. Lovely, practical, organized Virgo.  Virgo represents:

Analysis/research/technology – a great Moon to start new learning/training.
Bureaucracy – has become so ridiculous that it’s trying to strangle our livelihoods.
Charity – help others less fortunate than yourself.
Health in general – have you been looking after yours?
Healing – there is a lot of healing energy available right now (aided by Chiron at the moment for all of us)
Horticulture – spending time in the garden/with plants, (I’ve found that many herbalists have Virgo prominent in their chart).
Medicine  - more and more folks are turning to natural medicine and turning their backs on the pharmacon.
Organization – clearing the clutter, out with the old in with the new, ringing the changes in yourself, your environment, your work and your relationships.
Routine – time for changes and new ways of doing things in all areas of your life.
Service – to our local and global communities.  Now is the time to get more involved.

Call upon Virgo’s energy to help you start this new ‘term’ in an organized way.  Create new routines, new thought patterns, new ways of doing things – and do all of this with heart, with conscious mindfulness.  Work with the energy to see where you can be more of service.  She will show you the areas of your health that need to be nurtured right now.  There is an opportunity for transformation in all of the above-listed aspects in your life this month.  Step into your power through the power of this New Moon, if you work with the energies sincerely and with commitment then you can expect quantum leaps in your life (the results of which will be apparent in six months time).

Many are ready for big changes in their lives and this New Moon supports you in doing this, so go for it right now!  Many who were so sure about what they wanted are now not so sure.  You are on track, just stay with it, keep asking for help and listening to your inner Wise Wo/man until you receive clarity about what your new way forward will be.  You need to be clear about what you want, if you are confused the Universe will be.  The Universe also believes every word you say and every thought you have, so you had better make some changes and drop the stinkin’ thinking and victim words and switch into positive, affirmative thoughts and words.  Remember the Universe will match your vibration, so if you constantly moan about others/your life yaddah yaddah, you will get more of the same.  If you don’t want more to moan about then start talking and acting more positively!

And it can be scary when you are between the old and the new, be patient with yourself and others until you can find your way through.  If you are struggling, explain to your nearest and dearest how you are feeling.  Don’t be afraid to show them your vulnerability, you might just be surprised at how helpful they can be.

Being and living your new self can feel weird.  It’s like every now and then you can feel like you are dropping down into your new Self, it is a strange feeling and we are all still getting used to it.  You may feel exposed from time to time as you adjust.  You may be feeling fearful as old shadow stuff and old issues come up for healing.  You may be feeling disorientated as you start to let go of what is no longer right for you, yet you may not be sure about what the next step is.  You may not be sure of yourself any more or who you are because you are metamorphosing into the true reality of who you really are (work with Butterfly medicine to help you through this phase).

The seeds (changes) you plant now will come to fruition in six months time.  So stop, think, Be, plan, sow the changes and gently the transformations will occur over the coming months.  We are being invited to “take the road less travelled”, to strike out for individuality (as mentioned in my previous Blog posts), creativity, unity and community.
“This Moon awakens Woman to her soul's power to master forces of psychic nature and create anew. The Virgo Moon cycle brings an alchemy to set right the world. This is the great harvest / recreate-the-world Moon; all that's shadow or prima materia of the past world cycle comes forth now to be transformed into the gold of a new creation.”
– Steve Nelson
SEPTEMBER brings more alignment and re-alignment.  This New Moon makes us question every aspect of our existence. 

Are we really living the dream? 
Are we really acting and Being who we have dreamt of being? 
Are we in alignment with our Higher Selves, our dreams and goals, who we are meant to be in this Age of Aquarius? 
Are we fulfilling this potential? 
What needs to change in our lives so that we are in alignment? 

This month really highlights how our inner self is reflected in the outer aspects of our lives.  This is the month to really sort yourself out before you can even think of offering yourself or your services to the wider community.  Sort the inside out and the outside will be an effortless reflection of that (or as my favourite Heineken advert once said “Get the head right and the rest will follow.”)

Self worth is a big aspect of this New Moon and September energy.  This New Moon invites you to step into the abundance that is rightfully yours.  There is “a month-long Cradle supporting the healing of abundance and self-esteem issues.”  However you need to be a vibrational match for it.  As I mentioned above, this necessitates changing your internal and external dialogue and keeping your vibration raised (meditation, chanting, singing, flower and vibrational essences, dancing, herbs and essential oils, flowers, art and beauty).  Our self worth can be reflected in the external aspects of our lives including our finances.  

To help you, I have waited until today to launch our brand new ABUNDANCE FLOW Kit as the energies are right for it to go out into the world and help y’all with its abundant magic.  It has all you need to keep you in abundance mode inside and out.  In keeping with Virgo energy, I have put some magical plant energy into it.  It includes a Spray Mist (for bringing fragrant, abundant energy into your aura and environment) and a generous sized bottle of Flower & Vibrational Essences (to keep your vibration raised from the inside in order to be able to match the vibration of abundance and keep it flowing).  As a bonus I have also included my top ten Abundance Affirmations that have always worked for me over the years, as well as some top Feng Shui abundance tips.

TRUTH  - I have been telling y’all over and over for the past couple of years, that we are now in the Era of Truth.  I did try to warn y’all, and have been tipping you off about this for months.  Over the past few weeks folks have had the truth revealed about people in their lives more clearly now than ever before and it hasn’t been easy.  The Shift has really been hitting the fan at the moment. Political truths continue to be revealed as the masses, now more awake than ever before, are refusing to be hoodwinked any longer by the cr*p spewed out by government controlled media.  The Age of Aquarius is awake and buzzing!  People power is growing as we stand together in outrage against wars, Badger culls, etc.  There is a growing sense of community both locally and globally and I am so thrilled about this, as the more we unite the more change we can effect.  We are a global family and together we can do anything.  Deepen your local community involvement especially with likeminded people, during the coming weeks it is essential to surround ourselves with people who feel the same, who are willing to commit to making it happen, who are happy to support each other’s goals and dreams and are actually getting off their backsides and doing something about it!

This month also invites you to truly awaken to the beauty of your Soul.  Boost your self-esteem and believe that you are so beauty-full!  Find beauty wherever you are despite whatever is going on.  Switch off the TV and radio, go out and find some beauty.  Take a walk around your garden and see the sun shining through the petals of a flower or leaf.  Watch a Bee at work and follow its path for at least 10 minutes (instant meditation I guarantee).  Whilst the media tries to numb our minds with horror and ugly violence, it is our job to ignore that and always choose to focus on something real and beautiful.  There is plenty of beauty in your life if you open your eyes to see it.  Beauty lifts your vibration and brings happiness and joy.  Is there beauty in your home and/or office?  If not, bring some into your environment and raise its vibration, perhaps you need some new uplifting colours, or a vase of fresh flowers. 


I came across an old Abraham-Hicks quote, which I feel is absolutely spot on for the current energies:

“The only question is, what is the standard of joy that you are demanding for yourself?

 – Abraham-Hicks 2005

Copyright Cynthia Schlosser


 I welcome the changes happening in my life now
I am organized
I love looking after myself
I am in perfect health
I glow with Divine energy and purpose
I believe in myself – I am Awesome!
I am Abundant
I fill my life with Beauty
I have everything I need
I visualize abundance daily for myself and All my Relations
I love the miracles occurring in my life!

May the seeds that you sow now, bring you many Abundant Blessings!

Elly x

Copyright E. Yule ©2013 Worldwide Rights Reserved