Friday, 31 December 2010


Well it's here, the eve of a New Year and how quickly it seems to have come around!

I hope that you had a wonderful Festive Season and will find a way to celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year.

BTW it is twenty-eleven NOT two thousand and eleven. In 1999 did anyone ever call that year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine? No. Everyone called it nineteen ninety-nine. The year 2125 will no doubt be called twenty-one twenty-five rather than two thousand one hundred and twenty five. So let's get it right. There is a reason for this. The vibration of the words is different. Twenty-eleven is a stronger vibration, it is more grounded and has the anchoring energy needed over the coming year.

I will be writing more about 2011 and why this could be your year in the January updates soon.

In the meantime, I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing the journey of the past year with me through this Blog. Thank you to all of you who have sent messages and feedback, it has been wonderful to connect with you all.

I wish you magical celebrations for tonight as the window of the New Year opens (more about that too in the January updates).

Here's to your success and happiness in 2011!

Love and Blessings

Elly xx

Tuesday, 21 December 2010


Today is such an auspicious day:-
- it is the Winter Solstice.
- it is Full Moon.
- there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
(There hasn’t been a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse like this since 1703!)
- there is a planetary line-up the like of which has not been seen in many years.

How auspicious is that?!

Eclipses shake things up as you know. You may have experienced some real jolts or kicks up the butt during the past couple of weeks leading up to the Eclipse (for some folks it happens during or after Eclipses). And no doubt you have seen shocking things happen to people you know.

Eclipses wake us up and are wonderful at graphically pointing out to us what we have to change immediately and what we most need to work on. They also bring great gifts which are revealed once we work through the shock and do the work required. (I met my lovely hubby during a powerful eclipse season when my life had gone completely t*ts up and I thought I would never see light again).

Some Ayurvedic astrologers have been saying that today is more powerful than the much hyped 21 Dec 2012 date that many are fixated upon.

The Winter Solstice invites us to close the year 2010 and celebrate it, and to also to prepare and welcome the incoming year through celebration also. From today onwards the Light will slowly increase each day. That means we have come through the darkest of times and should now be focusing on Light.
It is traditional in many countries to do rituals and ceremonies to ask the Sun to return to the Earth each year, to praise the Sun and thank it for its warmth and light and life giving energy.

All praise Grandfather Sun!
Thank you Sun for coming back to us
Thank you Sun Beings for your life-giving rays
Thank you Sun for your Light and warmth
Thank you Sun for blessing us, our crops and our land
All praise Grandfather Sun!
-- E. Yule 1999-2011

This is a rare and auspicious day. But what does it mean?

It means that it is time to let go of negativity and self sabotage. The doorway has been opened for the larger, bigger, better You to step through. It is time to move onto the new now as this New Year begins today. You must cut off, release/get rid of all that has been holding you back including people, groups, locations, jobs, habits and thoughts. Cut the cr*p and move on. You are birthing a New You, think about how you want to be, how you want to work, how you want to look, who you want in your life, where you want to go and do and be and see.

The planets and this New Moon Eclipse doorway are urging us to show ourselves more on the world stage in a bigger way than we ever have done before. No more working behind the scenes, no more hiding away in the background, it is now time for you to take centre stage. It is time for you to step up.

How does that make you feel? Do you feel nervous or excited or afraid?
(As an extension of the Gorgeous Goddess VIP Programme, I am now offering 1-2-1 One Day Intensives for those of you who are ready to really step up to the next level of your life; details will be up on our website soon )

None of us will escape the shifts that are triggered by today. We are so blessed that the Planets are enabling us to accelerate our Ascension process in this way.

Recent Ascension symptoms include:-

Dizziness and nausea ) both due to increased earth changes activity
High pitched tone in the ears)
Aching bones and joints
Pressure in the crown chakra
Tightness in the heart chakra
Sore throats and tightness in the throat chakra
Weight gain
Interrupted sleep
Disturbing dreams

It is time to stand up and be counted, to stand apart from the crowd and be seen for the unique individual that you are. It is about finding your place and enjoying the recognition that you have worked so hard for. It is about really focusing and harnessing your energies in the right way (you wasted enough time last year scattering your energies, wasting time and money and being distracted from your goals and who you really are). This doorway really invites you to step into your power.

Use the coming Winter moons to plan, strategize and write your List of Desires for 2011. Use these quiet Winter moons to build your inner and outer strength, improve your diet and exercise (including exercises to control your mind, ego and self discipline) so that you have the energy needed for your launch pad in the Spring.

The key to this Eclipse season is flexibility. Things will be changing from minute to minute; plans will be disrupted, etc etc. Go with the flow. Accept that this is a time of great change and see where the unexpected changes will take you.


I let go of doubt and darkness
I expand and shine in greater Light
I leave the past behind me with thanks
I step out boldly, brighter and better than before
I am ready to step up to my Greatness

I would like to end with a quote from Randy Gage’s Blog which I was so delighted to find yesterday which sums up what I have been saying:-

“Please know this ….
You live in the world created by your mind. Your rapture and joy, your sorrow and pain, are all your own creations. They are dependent upon your perceptions and core beliefs for their very existence.
Most people live in a world of darkness. But there is another world, bathed in the light of love. You can live in this world if you choose, by the virtue of grace. The rent to live there is forgiveness, self-discipline and accepting your worth.
Forget everything you think you are, and stand in the light of who you really are.
So say we all …”

-- Randy Gage (December 2010).


I would just like to wish you and yours…
A very happy and celebratory Winter Solstice!

Copyright E. Yule 1999-2011 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


11:11 Light Revolution (Nov 11th–22nd)
Thank you to everyone who took part in this wonderful event, the feedback we had from many of you was amazing (especially when several of us experienced the same things).

We are now entering the Sacred Pause of the year. This is the month when the Wheel of the Year returns to the North, the place of gratitude and of the Ancestors. Take a long look back at your year, my goodness you have come sooooo far! It has been a busy year which I feel has been a lot more positive than the previous two. You have achieved so much – even if you are not currently aware of it. Think about the places you have seen, the new people you have connected with, the shifts that have happened within you, the changes you have made in your lives, your work, the things you have done and achieved, the fun times you had. You see – actually it was a very good year!

With the powerful Total Lunar Eclipse happening on the Winter Solstice be aware that many Souls will use these energies to leave the Earthplane. The masses will be losing their tempers and projecting their shadow sides at whoever is unfortunate enough to be in their path. Be on alert for psychic attacks. Take a deep breath, stay in your heart, move away from those who are negative and maintain your own integrity and spiritual energy. Light candles, focus on the Light and breathe the light of the candle flame into every part of your being (rather like we did for the 11:11 Light Revolution). Use your invisible mirrors to bounce back projections from others, use your ‘Protector’ spray mist every day especially before, during and after the Solstice.

One of the downsides of all of this is the drain on you energetically, so be very careful to look after your physical Being during the coming month (especially with all the extra food and sugar we tend to consumer at this time of year). If your immune drops that’s when the psychic attackers can get in, because you have allowed your protection to also drop. Take your herbs and vitamins/minerals to maintain a strong immune and good health during this time. Drink plenty of water or you will get very toxic very quickly (and not just from Festive beverages and food) negative energy can make you very toxic very quickly too.

If you feel overwhelmed (and who doesn’t at some point in December?) take ten minutes out, find a quiet space where you cannot be disturbed, sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes and focus on your breathing, three deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose will centre you again and help you to feel peaceful.

For those who have had a surge in energy/feel like the brakes have been taken off and are raring to go – here is some business advice I gave to my Coyote Brother recently:-

“The Winter Moons are a time for planning and refining the details of your projects. This is because energy is waning in the Earth and people, they are going inwards, they are distracted by other things (Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas etc) and want to nest in their homes. The Spring Moons (just after Spring Equinox) are the best time for launching something new. That's when the growth energy returns to the Earth, when people come out of their Winter hibernation and are looking for new things to do. Astrologically you also need to take into account Void of Course Moons to choose your dates for launching new stuff (otherwise they can disappear energetically into a black hole and you end up bewildered why all that hard work hasn't brought a good return). Send out teasers and tempters etc after the New Year furore has died down - we are all gonna get inundated with 'New Year New You' type stuff and you won't get noticed amongst all that lot and you need to set yourself apart from the herd.
Most of all allow Spirit to guide you, let the energy flow through you , when it is effortless and all clicks together super quickly, that's when you know you are onto a winner”.

Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so. As I have said before, we are on the same path but at different stages, so just take what feels right for you now, and keep the rest as future reference. Although I speak as if these things have already happened, for some they have yet to happen.

Once again many have been feeling exhausted and finding it hard to get out of bed (and not just because of the darker mornings). November opened a massive gateway and light and energy has been flooding into us. As our physical bodies struggle to adjust to the new changes in our DNA and energy fields we need more sleep and rest. Don’t push yourself too hard or you will end up ill (like me!).

Dizziness and nausea
I exchanged messages with a friend during November regarding the fact that the dizzy swirly energy (often accompanied by nausea) had returned, this was my reply to her:-
Yes I've had the dizziness for the past few days, have also been getting the high pitched tone in my ears which means some kind of earthquake/volcano/similar is about to happen.
The energies sure are strong at the moment, Women are still being pulled by the Moonlight and Her power is still so strong even though She is on the wane now.
I feel that something is brewing and not just on the earth changes front either. Time will tell.
The past few days have seen an increase in earthquake activity and I feel there is more on the way.

Once again, after last month’s powerful Full Moon, folks have been varying between nightmares and amazing visions. Many have received messages through their dreams. Keep writing them down as more will unfold and your will receive more information (you may even have repeat dreams or dreams that carry on from where that one left off).

Aches and pains
Continue as we get used to the new download we received in November and as we prepare for the Winter Solstice. Ensure your diet is not too acidic as that will exacerbate it.

Crown and Third Eye chakras once again were sensitive as they were widened even further during the November download.
Hand chakras may feel a little tender as your healing and love energy increases and wants an outlet. If you are a Healer who hasn’t had clients for a while, offer to give your friends and neighbours some healing so that you can discharge the energy from your hands. And get some healing for yourself.
Heart chakra continues to be tender (again this can be caused by healing energy not being given an outlet) also the bridge to the heart needs to be kept clear.

Alternates still between crystal clarity and blurry fuzzy vision, it’s even worse if you are tired.

Losing friends
Friendships and relationships are going through another big shake up. Even friendships that have been established for over 20 years may be coming to an end. You have shifted and moved on so much and unfortunately, they are not there yet, so they cannot travel the same road as you. Let them go with love if you can (not easy to do if they have let you down). You cannot waste your energy or time on them any more. Next year is take off year and you need to be free to do that. By letting go of them you are creating space for lovely new friends to come in, who are will to walk the same road as you.
And yes, it can leave you feeling lonely (particularly those of you working on a high level). Unfortunately, many of those leaving your life also call themselves Lightworkers; however their behaviour has not been that of a Lightworker. Many are in the ego trap and this is dangerous, you need to be well away from them, because if they go down they will try and take you down with them.

Some have experienced poltergeist-type activity happening in their homes. Things have been moved around (including pictures), strange substances appearing on window sills, strange sounds in the house that have never been there before.
This has happened to us too, and I am quite surprised as we have recently cleaned and tidied the house and there have been very harmonious energies here. It could be that some lost Spirits and those caught between the worlds may be attracted to the increase in light. If you have any insights about this, do let me know.

Be aware that next year could be a phenomenal year for you. Some of you will be meeting your Soul Mate, some will be having a complete change of direction career-wise, some will be moving home (even though you’ve only been in your current home for a short while), some of you will take a chunk of time off for travelling. Many of you who are healers/therapists will find yourselves getting very busy next year. The Age of Aquarius is about stepping up and showing up. It is time to stop hiding yourself and your talents and get out there with them, because the world is ready. This can only work if you are fully committed to your success and prepared to do the work. The key to all of this is to attune to Spirit/Your Higher Self/inner compass or guidance and allow that to be your only guide.


Your life
Your loved ones
That you are protected
That you are supported
That all will be well
In Truth
In the Light
For yourself every day
For your loved ones
For Mother Earth and her critters
Your loved ones
Anyone who will let you!

The key for the coming month is PEACE. It could be a challenge to achieve and maintain this during December as there will be a lot tests along the way. We must take care not to over-react to what we see on the news or in the newspapers, a lot of truth is coming to light now and the patriarchy are trying very hard to control it, but we know it won’t work, the truth will always get out. When we react it is because our ego has responded, the higher, more spiritual part of ourselves doesn’t need to react. Think before you speak, are you contributing to the problem or the solution? This is worth remembering when dealing with family over the holidays too. Meditate as often as you can, put on some soothing music, space clear your environment, sing, dance, have a luxurious bubble bath – do whatever you need to in order to achieve peace within.


P resent
E xcited
A ware
C entred
E njoying

If you are having a difficult time working through issues that the Ascension Process may be bringing up, you may find 1-2-1 support helpful. Contact me for more details.

Please Note:
These Ascension updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose any kind of dis-ease or malady you may be experiencing. If you have concerns about your health, I strongly advise you to see a qualified medical practitioner. (Don’t get carried away in spiritual la-la land and override any messages that your body may be trying to give you). If in doubt – check it out!

Copyright E. Yule ©1999-2010 Worldwide Rights Reserved