Today is such an auspicious day:-
- it is the Winter Solstice.
- it is Full Moon.
- there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
(There hasn’t been a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse like this since 1703!)
- there is a planetary line-up the like of which has not been seen in many years.
How auspicious is that?!
Eclipses shake things up as you know. You may have experienced some real jolts or kicks up the butt during the past couple of weeks leading up to the Eclipse (for some folks it happens during or after Eclipses). And no doubt you have seen shocking things happen to people you know.
Eclipses wake us up and are wonderful at graphically pointing out to us what we have to change immediately and what we most need to work on. They also bring great gifts which are revealed once we work through the shock and do the work required. (I met my lovely hubby during a powerful eclipse season when my life had gone completely t*ts up and I thought I would never see light again).
Some Ayurvedic astrologers have been saying that today is more powerful than the much hyped 21 Dec 2012 date that many are fixated upon.
The Winter Solstice invites us to close the year 2010 and celebrate it, and to also to prepare and welcome the incoming year through celebration also. From today onwards the Light will slowly increase each day. That means we have come through the darkest of times and should now be focusing on Light.
It is traditional in many countries to do rituals and ceremonies to ask the Sun to return to the Earth each year, to praise the Sun and thank it for its warmth and light and life giving energy.
All praise Grandfather Sun!
Thank you Sun for coming back to us
Thank you Sun Beings for your life-giving rays
Thank you Sun for your Light and warmth
Thank you Sun for blessing us, our crops and our land
All praise Grandfather Sun!
-- E. Yule 1999-2011
This is a rare and auspicious day. But what does it mean?
It means that it is time to let go of negativity and self sabotage. The doorway has been opened for the larger, bigger, better You to step through. It is time to move onto the new now as this New Year begins today. You must cut off, release/get rid of all that has been holding you back including people, groups, locations, jobs, habits and thoughts. Cut the cr*p and move on. You are birthing a New You, think about how you want to be, how you want to work, how you want to look, who you want in your life, where you want to go and do and be and see.
The planets and this New Moon Eclipse doorway are urging us to show ourselves more on the world stage in a bigger way than we ever have done before. No more working behind the scenes, no more hiding away in the background, it is now time for you to take centre stage. It is time for you to step up.
How does that make you feel? Do you feel nervous or excited or afraid?
(As an extension of the Gorgeous Goddess VIP Programme, I am now offering 1-2-1 One Day Intensives for those of you who are ready to really step up to the next level of your life; details will be up on our website soon )
None of us will escape the shifts that are triggered by today. We are so blessed that the Planets are enabling us to accelerate our Ascension process in this way.
Recent Ascension symptoms include:-
Dizziness and nausea ) both due to increased earth changes activity
High pitched tone in the ears)
Aching bones and joints
Pressure in the crown chakra
Tightness in the heart chakra
Sore throats and tightness in the throat chakra
Weight gain
Interrupted sleep
Disturbing dreams
It is time to stand up and be counted, to stand apart from the crowd and be seen for the unique individual that you are. It is about finding your place and enjoying the recognition that you have worked so hard for. It is about really focusing and harnessing your energies in the right way (you wasted enough time last year scattering your energies, wasting time and money and being distracted from your goals and who you really are). This doorway really invites you to step into your power.
Use the coming Winter moons to plan, strategize and write your List of Desires for 2011. Use these quiet Winter moons to build your inner and outer strength, improve your diet and exercise (including exercises to control your mind, ego and self discipline) so that you have the energy needed for your launch pad in the Spring.
The key to this Eclipse season is flexibility. Things will be changing from minute to minute; plans will be disrupted, etc etc. Go with the flow. Accept that this is a time of great change and see where the unexpected changes will take you.
I let go of doubt and darkness
I expand and shine in greater Light
I leave the past behind me with thanks
I step out boldly, brighter and better than before
I am ready to step up to my Greatness
I would like to end with a quote from Randy Gage’s Blog which I was so delighted to find yesterday which sums up what I have been saying:-
“Please know this ….
You live in the world created by your mind. Your rapture and joy, your sorrow and pain, are all your own creations. They are dependent upon your perceptions and core beliefs for their very existence.
Most people live in a world of darkness. But there is another world, bathed in the light of love. You can live in this world if you choose, by the virtue of grace. The rent to live there is forgiveness, self-discipline and accepting your worth.
Forget everything you think you are, and stand in the light of who you really are.
So say we all …”
-- Randy Gage (December 2010).

I would just like to wish you and yours…
A very happy and celebratory Winter Solstice!
Copyright E. Yule 1999-2011 Worldwide Rights Reserved