Friday, 31 December 2010


Well it's here, the eve of a New Year and how quickly it seems to have come around!

I hope that you had a wonderful Festive Season and will find a way to celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year.

BTW it is twenty-eleven NOT two thousand and eleven. In 1999 did anyone ever call that year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine? No. Everyone called it nineteen ninety-nine. The year 2125 will no doubt be called twenty-one twenty-five rather than two thousand one hundred and twenty five. So let's get it right. There is a reason for this. The vibration of the words is different. Twenty-eleven is a stronger vibration, it is more grounded and has the anchoring energy needed over the coming year.

I will be writing more about 2011 and why this could be your year in the January updates soon.

In the meantime, I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing the journey of the past year with me through this Blog. Thank you to all of you who have sent messages and feedback, it has been wonderful to connect with you all.

I wish you magical celebrations for tonight as the window of the New Year opens (more about that too in the January updates).

Here's to your success and happiness in 2011!

Love and Blessings

Elly xx

Tuesday, 21 December 2010


Today is such an auspicious day:-
- it is the Winter Solstice.
- it is Full Moon.
- there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
(There hasn’t been a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse like this since 1703!)
- there is a planetary line-up the like of which has not been seen in many years.

How auspicious is that?!

Eclipses shake things up as you know. You may have experienced some real jolts or kicks up the butt during the past couple of weeks leading up to the Eclipse (for some folks it happens during or after Eclipses). And no doubt you have seen shocking things happen to people you know.

Eclipses wake us up and are wonderful at graphically pointing out to us what we have to change immediately and what we most need to work on. They also bring great gifts which are revealed once we work through the shock and do the work required. (I met my lovely hubby during a powerful eclipse season when my life had gone completely t*ts up and I thought I would never see light again).

Some Ayurvedic astrologers have been saying that today is more powerful than the much hyped 21 Dec 2012 date that many are fixated upon.

The Winter Solstice invites us to close the year 2010 and celebrate it, and to also to prepare and welcome the incoming year through celebration also. From today onwards the Light will slowly increase each day. That means we have come through the darkest of times and should now be focusing on Light.
It is traditional in many countries to do rituals and ceremonies to ask the Sun to return to the Earth each year, to praise the Sun and thank it for its warmth and light and life giving energy.

All praise Grandfather Sun!
Thank you Sun for coming back to us
Thank you Sun Beings for your life-giving rays
Thank you Sun for your Light and warmth
Thank you Sun for blessing us, our crops and our land
All praise Grandfather Sun!
-- E. Yule 1999-2011

This is a rare and auspicious day. But what does it mean?

It means that it is time to let go of negativity and self sabotage. The doorway has been opened for the larger, bigger, better You to step through. It is time to move onto the new now as this New Year begins today. You must cut off, release/get rid of all that has been holding you back including people, groups, locations, jobs, habits and thoughts. Cut the cr*p and move on. You are birthing a New You, think about how you want to be, how you want to work, how you want to look, who you want in your life, where you want to go and do and be and see.

The planets and this New Moon Eclipse doorway are urging us to show ourselves more on the world stage in a bigger way than we ever have done before. No more working behind the scenes, no more hiding away in the background, it is now time for you to take centre stage. It is time for you to step up.

How does that make you feel? Do you feel nervous or excited or afraid?
(As an extension of the Gorgeous Goddess VIP Programme, I am now offering 1-2-1 One Day Intensives for those of you who are ready to really step up to the next level of your life; details will be up on our website soon )

None of us will escape the shifts that are triggered by today. We are so blessed that the Planets are enabling us to accelerate our Ascension process in this way.

Recent Ascension symptoms include:-

Dizziness and nausea ) both due to increased earth changes activity
High pitched tone in the ears)
Aching bones and joints
Pressure in the crown chakra
Tightness in the heart chakra
Sore throats and tightness in the throat chakra
Weight gain
Interrupted sleep
Disturbing dreams

It is time to stand up and be counted, to stand apart from the crowd and be seen for the unique individual that you are. It is about finding your place and enjoying the recognition that you have worked so hard for. It is about really focusing and harnessing your energies in the right way (you wasted enough time last year scattering your energies, wasting time and money and being distracted from your goals and who you really are). This doorway really invites you to step into your power.

Use the coming Winter moons to plan, strategize and write your List of Desires for 2011. Use these quiet Winter moons to build your inner and outer strength, improve your diet and exercise (including exercises to control your mind, ego and self discipline) so that you have the energy needed for your launch pad in the Spring.

The key to this Eclipse season is flexibility. Things will be changing from minute to minute; plans will be disrupted, etc etc. Go with the flow. Accept that this is a time of great change and see where the unexpected changes will take you.


I let go of doubt and darkness
I expand and shine in greater Light
I leave the past behind me with thanks
I step out boldly, brighter and better than before
I am ready to step up to my Greatness

I would like to end with a quote from Randy Gage’s Blog which I was so delighted to find yesterday which sums up what I have been saying:-

“Please know this ….
You live in the world created by your mind. Your rapture and joy, your sorrow and pain, are all your own creations. They are dependent upon your perceptions and core beliefs for their very existence.
Most people live in a world of darkness. But there is another world, bathed in the light of love. You can live in this world if you choose, by the virtue of grace. The rent to live there is forgiveness, self-discipline and accepting your worth.
Forget everything you think you are, and stand in the light of who you really are.
So say we all …”

-- Randy Gage (December 2010).


I would just like to wish you and yours…
A very happy and celebratory Winter Solstice!

Copyright E. Yule 1999-2011 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


11:11 Light Revolution (Nov 11th–22nd)
Thank you to everyone who took part in this wonderful event, the feedback we had from many of you was amazing (especially when several of us experienced the same things).

We are now entering the Sacred Pause of the year. This is the month when the Wheel of the Year returns to the North, the place of gratitude and of the Ancestors. Take a long look back at your year, my goodness you have come sooooo far! It has been a busy year which I feel has been a lot more positive than the previous two. You have achieved so much – even if you are not currently aware of it. Think about the places you have seen, the new people you have connected with, the shifts that have happened within you, the changes you have made in your lives, your work, the things you have done and achieved, the fun times you had. You see – actually it was a very good year!

With the powerful Total Lunar Eclipse happening on the Winter Solstice be aware that many Souls will use these energies to leave the Earthplane. The masses will be losing their tempers and projecting their shadow sides at whoever is unfortunate enough to be in their path. Be on alert for psychic attacks. Take a deep breath, stay in your heart, move away from those who are negative and maintain your own integrity and spiritual energy. Light candles, focus on the Light and breathe the light of the candle flame into every part of your being (rather like we did for the 11:11 Light Revolution). Use your invisible mirrors to bounce back projections from others, use your ‘Protector’ spray mist every day especially before, during and after the Solstice.

One of the downsides of all of this is the drain on you energetically, so be very careful to look after your physical Being during the coming month (especially with all the extra food and sugar we tend to consumer at this time of year). If your immune drops that’s when the psychic attackers can get in, because you have allowed your protection to also drop. Take your herbs and vitamins/minerals to maintain a strong immune and good health during this time. Drink plenty of water or you will get very toxic very quickly (and not just from Festive beverages and food) negative energy can make you very toxic very quickly too.

If you feel overwhelmed (and who doesn’t at some point in December?) take ten minutes out, find a quiet space where you cannot be disturbed, sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes and focus on your breathing, three deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose will centre you again and help you to feel peaceful.

For those who have had a surge in energy/feel like the brakes have been taken off and are raring to go – here is some business advice I gave to my Coyote Brother recently:-

“The Winter Moons are a time for planning and refining the details of your projects. This is because energy is waning in the Earth and people, they are going inwards, they are distracted by other things (Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas etc) and want to nest in their homes. The Spring Moons (just after Spring Equinox) are the best time for launching something new. That's when the growth energy returns to the Earth, when people come out of their Winter hibernation and are looking for new things to do. Astrologically you also need to take into account Void of Course Moons to choose your dates for launching new stuff (otherwise they can disappear energetically into a black hole and you end up bewildered why all that hard work hasn't brought a good return). Send out teasers and tempters etc after the New Year furore has died down - we are all gonna get inundated with 'New Year New You' type stuff and you won't get noticed amongst all that lot and you need to set yourself apart from the herd.
Most of all allow Spirit to guide you, let the energy flow through you , when it is effortless and all clicks together super quickly, that's when you know you are onto a winner”.

Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so. As I have said before, we are on the same path but at different stages, so just take what feels right for you now, and keep the rest as future reference. Although I speak as if these things have already happened, for some they have yet to happen.

Once again many have been feeling exhausted and finding it hard to get out of bed (and not just because of the darker mornings). November opened a massive gateway and light and energy has been flooding into us. As our physical bodies struggle to adjust to the new changes in our DNA and energy fields we need more sleep and rest. Don’t push yourself too hard or you will end up ill (like me!).

Dizziness and nausea
I exchanged messages with a friend during November regarding the fact that the dizzy swirly energy (often accompanied by nausea) had returned, this was my reply to her:-
Yes I've had the dizziness for the past few days, have also been getting the high pitched tone in my ears which means some kind of earthquake/volcano/similar is about to happen.
The energies sure are strong at the moment, Women are still being pulled by the Moonlight and Her power is still so strong even though She is on the wane now.
I feel that something is brewing and not just on the earth changes front either. Time will tell.
The past few days have seen an increase in earthquake activity and I feel there is more on the way.

Once again, after last month’s powerful Full Moon, folks have been varying between nightmares and amazing visions. Many have received messages through their dreams. Keep writing them down as more will unfold and your will receive more information (you may even have repeat dreams or dreams that carry on from where that one left off).

Aches and pains
Continue as we get used to the new download we received in November and as we prepare for the Winter Solstice. Ensure your diet is not too acidic as that will exacerbate it.

Crown and Third Eye chakras once again were sensitive as they were widened even further during the November download.
Hand chakras may feel a little tender as your healing and love energy increases and wants an outlet. If you are a Healer who hasn’t had clients for a while, offer to give your friends and neighbours some healing so that you can discharge the energy from your hands. And get some healing for yourself.
Heart chakra continues to be tender (again this can be caused by healing energy not being given an outlet) also the bridge to the heart needs to be kept clear.

Alternates still between crystal clarity and blurry fuzzy vision, it’s even worse if you are tired.

Losing friends
Friendships and relationships are going through another big shake up. Even friendships that have been established for over 20 years may be coming to an end. You have shifted and moved on so much and unfortunately, they are not there yet, so they cannot travel the same road as you. Let them go with love if you can (not easy to do if they have let you down). You cannot waste your energy or time on them any more. Next year is take off year and you need to be free to do that. By letting go of them you are creating space for lovely new friends to come in, who are will to walk the same road as you.
And yes, it can leave you feeling lonely (particularly those of you working on a high level). Unfortunately, many of those leaving your life also call themselves Lightworkers; however their behaviour has not been that of a Lightworker. Many are in the ego trap and this is dangerous, you need to be well away from them, because if they go down they will try and take you down with them.

Some have experienced poltergeist-type activity happening in their homes. Things have been moved around (including pictures), strange substances appearing on window sills, strange sounds in the house that have never been there before.
This has happened to us too, and I am quite surprised as we have recently cleaned and tidied the house and there have been very harmonious energies here. It could be that some lost Spirits and those caught between the worlds may be attracted to the increase in light. If you have any insights about this, do let me know.

Be aware that next year could be a phenomenal year for you. Some of you will be meeting your Soul Mate, some will be having a complete change of direction career-wise, some will be moving home (even though you’ve only been in your current home for a short while), some of you will take a chunk of time off for travelling. Many of you who are healers/therapists will find yourselves getting very busy next year. The Age of Aquarius is about stepping up and showing up. It is time to stop hiding yourself and your talents and get out there with them, because the world is ready. This can only work if you are fully committed to your success and prepared to do the work. The key to all of this is to attune to Spirit/Your Higher Self/inner compass or guidance and allow that to be your only guide.


Your life
Your loved ones
That you are protected
That you are supported
That all will be well
In Truth
In the Light
For yourself every day
For your loved ones
For Mother Earth and her critters
Your loved ones
Anyone who will let you!

The key for the coming month is PEACE. It could be a challenge to achieve and maintain this during December as there will be a lot tests along the way. We must take care not to over-react to what we see on the news or in the newspapers, a lot of truth is coming to light now and the patriarchy are trying very hard to control it, but we know it won’t work, the truth will always get out. When we react it is because our ego has responded, the higher, more spiritual part of ourselves doesn’t need to react. Think before you speak, are you contributing to the problem or the solution? This is worth remembering when dealing with family over the holidays too. Meditate as often as you can, put on some soothing music, space clear your environment, sing, dance, have a luxurious bubble bath – do whatever you need to in order to achieve peace within.


P resent
E xcited
A ware
C entred
E njoying

If you are having a difficult time working through issues that the Ascension Process may be bringing up, you may find 1-2-1 support helpful. Contact me for more details.

Please Note:
These Ascension updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose any kind of dis-ease or malady you may be experiencing. If you have concerns about your health, I strongly advise you to see a qualified medical practitioner. (Don’t get carried away in spiritual la-la land and override any messages that your body may be trying to give you). If in doubt – check it out!

Copyright E. Yule ©1999-2010 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Well although October is a long month it sure flew by! The energies were a rollercoaster again, some days you felt absolutely fabulous and achieved a lot and other days you could hardly bother to get dressed! You’d think we’d be used to this energetic rollercoaster by now, and despite the fact that we’ve invested in cool Cosmic Surfboards, the waves are still rough at times!

My body does not like it when the clocks go back; it takes me ages to get into the new routine. I’ve been waking up early and so hungry with my tummy going “what happened to breakfast then?” LOL! And I’ve been falling asleep in front of the TV around 9pm. You may find your loved ones being grumpier than usual as they too try to adjust. Although it is only an hour it is amazing how entrenched the spring/summer routine is in our physical wiring. I naturally want to get up when the Sun is up – whatever time the Sun decides to get up. And it’s the same at the end of the day; I can feel my energy dropping as the Sun’s energy starts to wane in the late afternoon. I’ve never seen the point of changing the clocks like this, someone said it is to do with the farmers; well they’ve got great big spotlights around their fields and on their tractors so they can work at dusk/dark nowadays. Before the Romans took over the way we honour time, we were more natural working with nature’s cycles, seems my body must be in a time warp from back then!

The mass consciousness has almost completely been taken over by fear recently; many folks are almost paralysed by it and paralysed with worry. Be very careful that you do not get sucked into this energy. It is not real. It has been fabricated as a means to control the masses. Last month I mentioned that the Dark Forces are upping the ante and they continue to do so. At this time of year you may be feeling tired and you may not realise that your defences (on all levels) have dropped a bit. Be careful, that’s how this negative energy can get in. Every day put your shield of protection around you before you start your day. If others in your home have got sucked into this fear consciousness, use your ‘Cleanser’ spray mist to clear that energy immediately and follow it with ‘Angels of Joy’ to raise the vibration again into one of happy, trusting, and fearless energy. Use EFT or EmoTrance to clear any fear from your system and balance your energy field again. Remember the phrase “If it’s not mine, please take it away.” Use that often to discern whether it’s your own process or whether you are picking up something that is going on with the masses.

Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so.
As I have said before, we are on the same path but at different stages, so just take what feels right for you now, and keep the rest as future reference. Although I speak as if these things have already happened, for some they have yet to happen.

Improved for many but there have been days when it has been hard to get out of bed. (Not helped by the clocks going back). You know what to do by now, rest when you can until your energies pick up again, and stay away from sugary snacks! (I really struggle with the last one).

Dizziness and nausea
Some days this was quite bad as earthquake activity increased again.

Cosmic Jet Lag
The energies some days were so powerful that you felt like you were walking around with jet lag making you feel a bit woozy at times. Use ‘The Cleanser’ spray mist to clear any rubbish in your aura, then take some ‘Travel Buddy’ drops and go to bed for a nap. (Important Note: Please don’t take ‘Travel Buddy’ if you need to drive anywhere later).

People have been varying between nightmares and amazing visions. Many have received messages through their dreams. I do hope y’all are writing them down in your Dream Journals!

Aches and pains
Aching bones and joints continue.
Aching muscles, feeling as if you have got flu as you ache all over, this seems to have gone on a for a long time this month. It is almost as if we have another creature inside that is growing and stretching all parts of us making us ache. The creature is our Higher Self embodying Itself more in our physical. We are birthing ourselves just as Mother Earth is birthing Her new reality.

Crown chakra once again was very sensitive.
Third Eye also quite painful, and those who have forgotten to fold their chakras for protection have experienced psychic attacks through their Third Eye.
Heart chakras continue to be tender, and it’s not surprising with all that is going on and all that we are witnessing.

Some days you have laser clear vision and other days your feel like Mr Magoo! Your sight may become blurry or have difficulty in seeing properly, most of the day it’s fine and then suddenly you realise that it’s hard to focus. As you know this is an Ascension symptom due to the energies and is a sign that some re-tuning/re-wiring is going on inside you. This phase will continue off and on until after the Winter Solstice.
(If the symptoms go on longer than a week without any improvement, please visit your optician just to check things out).

Ascension Depression
Has come back for some (refer to your ‘Ascension Tips’ book for tips on how to overcome it), as mentioned above, this also ties in with the Death Pull - see below.

Spiritual Detox
We have been looking into the darkest nooks and crannies of ourselves and facing up to what is in there. This has had a knock-on effect physically as many have had skin eruptions (rather like acne), digestion problems etc as the detox has its effect on us physically. It has been tough going at times and brought up a lot of emotion. What was suppressed has burst forth and been expressed (if it is brewing in you, let it out!). In this Era of Truth we can no longer stuff down the way we feel, we must let people know how it is for us. How they handle it is their problem not yours.
Also some have experienced tremendous pain in the body, again it’s another symptom of Spiritual Detox, eat well, drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins and after a few days this process will be complete. You must rest if you need to when you are going through this, as it can make you feel very tired.
Metallic taste in the mouth - again, this is to do with spiritual detoxing, this is also a pregnancy symptom that usually happens in the first trimester. Are you spiritually pregnant? Are you now in a gestation period before you birth something new from yourself/Spirit next year?

Flickering Lights
Some have been seeing flickering lights peripherally. You are seeing spiritual energies peripherally, some are like little flashes, some are like orbs darting about, some are like blue circles which pop out of your eye (this last one is usually associated with Archangel Michael, and is a sign that he is close by).

Heightened Senses
Leading up to and since the recent Full Moon some have been noticing an increase in the sensitivity of their senses, particularly sense of smell which can be quite acute at times. This is a sign that you have done more clearing and are increasing your sensing abilities. It does settle down again.

Help the Innocents
For many years now, I have been asking healers and their groups to send the healing they are doing to the human inhabitants of Earth. There is no need to send it to Mother Earth, She knows exactly what She is doing so leave Her to get on with it. If you are sending healing to the Earth to help with the Earth changes that are happening, then you definitely need to be directing it to the humans on the Earth. They are in the grip of massive fear at the moment. In the UK the recent budget and the build up to it sent a wave of fear through the masses which is still active. What easier way to control large numbers of people than if they are already fearful? Use your healing powers to send energy to the people to help bring them back into balance and into contact with their own inner knowing. There is a larger picture to this also. The dark forces are upping the ante again; this is because the Light has grown stronger recently as a result of many of us working with the Moon and planetary energies over the past few months. They need the masses to be fearful so that they can manipulate them more easily. Protect the Innocents! Use your powers of Light to restore balance to humanity so that they cannot be manipulated. Another aspect of this is; if humanity is balanced then the Earth will be balanced. All the Earth changes are an outward reflection of what has been going on in humans for far too long. You have the power to help. You have the power to help them to make the change; they cannot do it on their own. Please, please when you next gather in your groups and circles, focus on the People.

This has started again. The energy that normally builds up as we approach Winter Solstice (and which many souls use to leave the Earthplane) has started early. Many have been passing over these past few weeks and continue to do so. For some, they are making the decision whether to stay or whether to go. Some weary souls have had enough and want to go; they are ‘battle weary’. The decision to stay or to go is a tough one and it requires energy to stay. For those who on a higher level have decided to stay, the Death Pull may manifest as depression and lethargy. Be kind to yourselves if you are going through this, take time out to just be with yourself and pamper yourself. This phase does pass but in its own time, as you need to go inwards and dig deep to find out what it is really all about. If you know anyone going through this, be kind to them, it is a difficult time and they need support and love more than anything.

As the Wheel of the Year starts to slow down, we are being encouraged to shed and discard all that we no longer need before we go into the retreat time of the Winter Moons. Some are resisting this process and this is causing them great pain. It is essential to allow this to happen, to surrender to it because then you will pass through this phase more quickly and without anything left outstanding that might have to be dealt with later. You won’t have time later to deal with it, if you thought this year was busy then just wait until next year! Just as the Autumn leaves fall from the trees, so we should drop all that we are finished with and no longer need. That might be jobs, people, homes, possession, friendships, groups, bad habits, etc. Use the upcoming New Moon to set new intentions for all aspects of your life.

November will be challenging at times for all of us. Wax those Cosmic Surfboards in readiness, eat healthily and boost your immune system so that you will not be knocked by anything that may occur. Exercise to strengthen your physical muscles so that you can support yourself, and meditate to strengthen your mental and spiritual muscles. Breathe and smile as often as you can remember too. As I have said many times before, Love is the Key, use it well and wisely over the coming weeks.


That your Guides are protecting you
That the Universe is behind you
Yourself and others
Your own worth
The worth of others
That all will be well
Positive thoughts
Positive speech
Positive body posture
Yourself often throughout the day
Those in your life
All that you have right now
The future you want for yourself
The future you want for others
The future you want for this planet

The key for the coming month is MEDITATION. Meditation can happen in many different forms. Make your entire life a meditation. It is not just about sitting cross legged in front of a candle (although that is such a lovely way to meditate). Walking consciously whilst out in Nature is a powerful form of meditation. Washing the dishes consciously with love and gratitude is a meditation. Making food with love is a meditation. Loving and thanking your hands as you wash them is a meditation. Loving and thanking your eyes as you put your make-up on is a meditation. Watching a bird in the garden and sending it love, is a meditation. Closing your eyes and taking three slow breaths is a meditation. Staring into the face of a beautiful flower and breathing its perfume, is a meditation. Watching a spider build its web is a meditation. Watching the waves going in and out along the shore line is a meditation. Connecting with Trees is a meditation. All done in silence. Silence is the key to meditation. See how many different types of meditation you can build into your day. See how many routine chores you can turn into meditations. Have fun with this. :-)


M ind
E xpands
D ivine
I ntuition
T rusting
A ll
T hat
I s
O ccurring
N ow

If you are having a difficult time working through issues that the Ascension Process may be bringing up, you may find 1-2-1 support helpful. Contact me for more details.

Please Note:
These Ascension updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose any kind of dis-ease or malady you may be experiencing. If you have concerns about your health, I strongly advise you to see a qualified medical practitioner. (Don’t get carried away in spiritual la-la land and override any messages that your body may be trying to give you). If in doubt – check it out!

Copyright E. Yule ©1999-2010 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Friday, 29 October 2010


Well the Spooky Season is upon us and I love it!

This is such a special time of year, when the veil between the worlds thins and allows us to communicate more clearly with those on The Other Side.

It is an opportunity to download directly and clearly from Spirit, which is why I recommend celebration drinks in moderation (!) so that you do not affect your channel.

Mischievous spirits also abound this weekend especially from twilight and beyond midnight, so do be careful when you are out and about. They have a habit of hiding behind hedges and shrubs and can creep you out as you think someone may be hiding there. They also have a habit of catching your hair as you walk under trees.

Unfortunately some of the masses will use this weekend as an opportunity to get drunk and cause vandalism. Keep your cloaks of light wrapped around you when you are out and about and put a shield of light around your homes and cars.

It is also an absolute delight to see the little ones dressed in their Hallowe’en costumes trick o’ treating. I have a small black cauldron I keep by the front door, full of fun size sweets for them. I love to see the effort some of them make.

This weekend many countries also celebrate the Day of the Dead, and it is an opportunity for us to think about those we have lost who are now on the other side, and is an opportunity for us to feel close to them once more and receive messages from them. Light a candle or place some flowers by their photos and honour them too over the next few days.

With so many reasons for celebration, you cannot fail but have a good time this weekend!

Sending you spooky blessings for this magical time – enjoy yourselves!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


It’s October, the month of mischief and mayhem, soon it will be Hallowe’en/Samhain, my favourite time of the year! It's time to celebrate the Harvest with the seen and unseen, to wear silly costumes, eat lots of candy and have fun with the spooky ones!

The date: 10-10-10.
So many people have been jumping on the bandwagon regarding this date. Whilst the 10-10-10 carries a certain vibration, we are not living in the year 10 we are living in the year 2010! Therefore numerologically speaking, this date carries the vibration of 5 - the number of concrete knowledge or facts (it also means experimentation, language, change). Any date that is double i.e. 8-8, 10-10. 11-11 doubles the vibration of the numbers of that day. 10-10-10 has also been chosen as World Peace Day, so focus on Peace and meditation more than anything else on that date.
The New Moon on October 7th carries a much more powerful vibration and is a much better day for rituals etc.

Goodness, the recent Full Moons have been so powerful! Even when the last one was on the wane it was still causing my husband (a Libran) disturbed sleep, and I heard from so many people who had a pretty rough few weeks with broken and disturbed sleep. Well hang on to your hats folks because there is another powerful Full Moon coming up this month. For me, the October Full Moon is the one I consider the true Harvest Moon, and physically the Moon will look huge!

The continuing rollercoaster of rising frequencies as well as the recent Full Moons has also made many folks feel out of sorts for what seems like weeks! We are stepping into full responsibility for ourselves now and that means being a grown-up on all levels especially spiritual. As well as trying to cope physically with these rising frequencies, our emotions feel like they have been used in a cosmic ping-pong match and physically we have been feeling very weak and tired. When we are feeling overstretched like this it can make us want to withdraw because of the need for self preservation and in order to try and restore our energies. However, that is the worst thing we can do as we must be connected and joined to others in order to pass through this latest Ascension phase. It is about unity not separation.

Unfortunately not every one is aware of that, especially many so-called Spiritual people. Personal attacks have started happening again particularly to Sensitives and advanced Lightworkers. This has come from friends, people you respect, groups and circles you have been a part of for many years, work colleagues, neighbours etc. Many of whom should know better. Many of whom spout their beliefs and philosophies and talk about being Lightworkers and being full of Love and Light, but whose actions have proven that they are full of bullsh*t. So many times over the past month I have heard from folks who have been at the receiving end of this (and I too have had a couple of unpleasant, upsetting experiences). This makes me feel as if we are going backwards instead of forwards, as actions such as these perpetuate separation when we know our mission is connection and community. I have been astounded at the recent judgmentalism of many so-called spiritual people. What the heck is going on? Well for a start, it is showing us quite clearly whom we should steer well clear of and banish from our personal Sacred Circle now. It is allowing us to see once again, who is authentic and genuine in our lives and who only Talks the Talk rather than walking it. It is sad and upsetting, but it is doing us a favour, crikey with friends like that, who needs enemies?

(This month’s essence ‘The Witches Friend’ is fantastic at helping to support you during this month. Plus we have a fabulous new ‘The Witches Friend’ spray mist full of magical witches’ herbs, as well as the wonderful essence, that you can spray in your aura and environment).

This year has been the final alarm call for waking up. Those who have chosen to ignore it until now, will be experiencing some shocking events designed to get them to finally wake up. It will be a shock because they think they have been on their path, and then wonder why on earth these things are happening to them! Through these newsletters I have been trying to warn people about this over the past few years in order to prepare them for what could happen. For those who have taken heed of all the prompts the planets have been giving us, things have become much better and much improved. There has been an increase in energy, success, happiness and abundance, with new opportunities being presented and overall this has been a much better year.

Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so.
As I have said before, we are on the same path but at different stages, so just take what feels right for you now, and keep the rest as future reference. Although I speak as if these things have already happened, for some they have yet to happen.

Many felt like they were dragging themselves through treacle for a lot of the month. This month’s Full Moon will also be powerful, but I feel it will be a lot more energising than the last one as we have been through the process of the last Full Moon and are moving on. Try and build in rest when you can (I know that many of you like me have been so busy recently, but we must try and build in little breaks during the day and if you can fit a nap in – even better!).

Dizziness and nausea
Continues as earthquakes continue, hurricane season is also building.

Wow the Full Moon really led us into some interesting dreaming which still seems to be going on. More Power Animals have been presenting to folks during dreamtime, and for some it is like having an instant reading! You may also have been dreaming of people from the past as old issues come up for healing and releasing during your dreamtime. Prophetic dreams increased and will continue with the coming Full Moon.

Aches and pains
Teeth problems continue for many.
Aching bones and joints continue and many have been suffering with painful necks and shoulders.
Ankles – aches and pains continue as we adjust to the new direction we are headed in.

Crown chakra was very sensitive (especially since the last Full Moon) as if it had been blasted with a laser. Don’t forget to check your chakras at the start and end of each day (and after doing anything spiritual including reading/talking). Fold in that beautiful Crown Chakra and place a fine gold veil of protection over it.
Heart chakras have taken quite a bashing, not just because of things that have happened personally but also because of what has been going on in our world that we are witness to.
Hand and foot chakras have been getting itchy again. My Granny’s old wives tale about this still rings true:-
Left hand itching (palm = you are about to receive money, pads below fingers = recognition for your work).
Right hand itching – you are going to shake hands with someone new.
Feet – soles of feet – you are going to walk on strange ground (visit somewhere new or unexpected).

Eyesight and Hearing
As many of you know from the Ascension Process, at times of high frequency energy, our eyesight is affected. (I start seeing everything in soft focus as everything seems a bit fuzzy around the edges). This passes and my eyesight clears up again once I have adjusted fully to the new frequencies.
Hearing – has become acutely sensitive again, hearing distant things more clearly and hearing energy frequencies more.

There are some days when you can feel so sad but not really have a reason too. There can be several reasons;
- It is a form of Grief energy as you move through the current process. You are changing and on some level part of you is sad about who and what you are leaving behind. Just be with the feelings and allow them to come up and then you will pass through the process more quickly.
- Psychics and Intuitives may be having prems about those passing over at this time. It may be someone in the family or connected to a friend’s family, or it may be to do with the loss of life from the natural disasters that have been occurring.
Just allow it to come up and be with it and it will soon pass.


Reduces wrinkles
Makes others smile
Promotes warm fuzzy stuff
That you will cope
That you will be guided
For your own peace of mind
To stay connected to truth
To radiate peace to All
Channelling your energy
Channelling others energy
Using energy positively
Yourself, often
Others, often
Life, often

The key for the coming month is HAPPINESS. It doesn’t matter what is going on – be happy. If you are having a rough day, acknowledge that and then immediately do whatever you can to change your mood back into a happy one. Play your favourite music, have a dance break and shake your booty until it hurts, sing along with The Village People to ‘H-A-P-P-Y’, spend time with an animal or child or in Nature or with someone you love. Surround yourself with what brings you pleasure, what is beautiful and makes you feel positive (flowers, people, clean linen, nice wine, good food). Do not let anyone steal your happiness, protect yourself daily and focus on your heart being happy. Take as much time as you need for yourself to be happy. Put on a funny movie, have a chat with an uplifting friend (and stay away from the Moaning Minnies), absorb the Sun as much as you can at this time of year. You were born to be happy. Your life is meant to be happy. That is your true nature. All the rest is an illusion. When you are happy you bring sunshine to your environment and all those in it, you touch others with your healing sunshine. Light up yourself from the inside by being happy, and make someone else happy too.


H opeful
A wareness
P leasure
P ositive
I ntuitive
N urturing
E xpectant
S atisfying
S unny

If you are having a difficult time working through issues that the Ascension Process may be bringing up, you may find 1-2-1 support helpful. Contact me for more details.

Please Note:
These Ascension updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose any kind of dis-ease or malady you may be experiencing. If you have concerns about your health, I strongly advise you to see a qualified medical practitioner. (Don’t get carried away in spiritual la-la land and override any messages that your body may be trying to give you). If in doubt – check it out!

Copyright E. Yule ©2010 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 21 September 2010


to you and yours

We also have a Full Moon and powerful planetary line up all at the same time.
Stay grounded (although you might feel like flying around the Moon!)
Open to receiving the blessings of the energies and use them to move forward.

Try and keep your emotions in check (these energies will unsettle even those who are usually calm and laid back). Your fuse may be short at this time too so stop and take a breath before reacting to anyone or anything. Be aware that others will be feeling this too so don't take anything too personally. These energies will completely blow things out of proportion on the emotional level, which is why you need to be grounded so that you don't over-react. Be aware that the masses will get noisy, accident prone and argumentative and won't understand why. Keep an eye on your pets too.

The Equinoxes always give us a time to stop and breath and give thanks. This is the time of Harvest and we have much to celebrate and be thankful for. Look back over the Summer (the wonderful bounteous Summer many of us have enjoyed this year) and give yourselves a pat on the back. You have changed so much since the start of the year, you have blossomed over the Summer and now it is time to reap the benefits. Celebrate yourselves with your loved ones, have a harvest supper with seasonal foods to honour the nourishing gifts that the Earth has grown for us this Spring and Summer.

The benefits of these energies is that they are giving us the green light to move forward now. There is absolutely no excuse good enough to stop you going ahead now. No-one and nothing must stand in your way.

Autumn Equinox Blessings to you all!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

ASCENSION UPDATES - September 2010

Hello everyone and welcome to September 2010 – the first moon of Autumn. I give thanks for the wonderful Summer we’ve had which has been filled with so much abundance in so many ways. And now we build up towards Autumn Equinox as the Wheel of the Year once more turns us towards new experiences.

Wasn’t it wonderful to feel the pressure ease off at the end of August? Many felt like they had been pulled and twisted on an astrological rack for most of August (my husband and I went through an entire bottle of ‘Ascension Support’ essence!). There will be another build up to the Autumn Equinox, however after the recent very strong Full Moon I do not feel it will be as intense as previous years. Instead I feel it is giving us an opportunity to celebrate the harvest and each other, to take stock of how much we have to celebrate, and acknowledging the gifts that the Summer Queen brought us. This is your time to celebrate all of your achievements so far this year. Celebrate and honour yourself with Autumn bounty.

Many healers and therapists continue to be challenged with health issues as they are being urged to look after themselves first before everyone else.

Many (particularly Librans and those with Libra prominent in their charts) have been getting a few tough financial lessons from Saturn recently. This is all to help you restructure your finances so that you have a stronger, financial foundation to build from. Saturn in Libra is urging you to work hard as the rewards will be great. You may feel resistant to some of the changes that have to be made, which is perfectly natural, but you will find it easier to deal with it all if you go with the flow. One thing is for sure Libra, you cannot carry on the way you have been.

It’s back to school time too, and many of you may be feeling the urge to learn something new. Go for it!

Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so. As I have said before, we are on the same path but at different stages, so just take what feels right for you now, and keep the rest as future reference. Although I speak as if these things have already happened, for some they have yet to happen.

Some days you are feeling exhausted and unable to move and other days you are on high octane energy. Such is the energy rollercoaster we are on nowadays. Try and keep a balance. Don’t overdo it on the high energy days as you know you will be wiped out the next day. Pace yourselves. Drink plenty of water and eat well. Get some fresh air when you can as all of this will help with the tiredness.

Dizziness and nausea
Continues as there has been quite a flurry of earthquakes, there is also some volcanic activity going on.

Weight Issues
Frustratingly many feel heavy again especially around their middle, despite eating healthily and exercising. Some are feeling the need to insulate themselves as they adjust to all that is going on. Try and stay on a healthy eating plan and monitor your comfort eating (hey a little treat each day is not going to do you any harm, just keep an eye on what you’re eating and how often).

Continue to be interesting. Some continue to have prophetic dreams about themselves, people they know and world events. Others are receiving deep healings in dreams that have people from the past in them. Others are sifting other aspects of their psyche. Many have been dreaming about Animals, these Totems have come to help. Keep a record of these dreams as they will be useful to you later on.

Aches and pains
Teeth problems continue.
Aching bones and joints which can be quite painful at times. Up your Vitamin E and fish oils.
Small pains in the hands and feet continue as our energetic re-wiring continues.
Lower back pain continues for some, especially those who have been worrying about money.
Pain in the hips continues for some, old emotions are coming up to be healed.
Ankles – I have heard of so many people who have hurt their ankles recently. This is to do with flexibility about our direction in life, sometimes we have accidents as a way to make us stop, take stock and have a re-think about our lives and where we going.

Third Eye sensitivity for some as they adjust to the new energies, the Third Eye is expanding more as your connection to Spiritual Intuition becomes stronger. Just remember to fold it for protection before leaving your home and, even more importantly, at night before you go to sleep, do not leave it wide open at night. At least once a day I gently touch press my third eye as if to remind it to close a little for protection.
Heart, hand and foot chakras continue to feel tender at times. (Is there an area of your life where you feel crucified? If so take our ‘Passionflower’ essence which can help with this).

Eyesight and Hearing
Some people have been worried about their eyesight and hearing. As always, go get it checked out with qualified professionals. It is also to do with the re-tuning that is going on, and is a way to get you to tune into the other realms bypassing the rational mind. I find when I am about to take another leap my eyesight gets a lot worse. These symptoms only last a couple of days and then everything is back to its normal clarity.

Hot Flashes
Continue for some. This could also be a way of discharging excess electrical energy that you have accumulated. Have a bath with Epsom or Dead Sea Salts to cleanse away this excess.

As one Wise Woman friend said, she didn’t know where all these bugs were coming from but felt the cold bug was “coming from outer space”, I think she has a point, as we have been bombarded with so many different types of energies lately plus the recent astrology has created a lot of intensity. Look after your immune system especially at this time of year as we switch from Summer to Autumn.

Very disturbed sleep for many; broken sleep, not feeling rested upon waking, many feeling exhausted when they wake up (you have probably been helping Souls cross over to the light – Russia’s firestorms, Peru’s severe winter, Pakistan’s floods). Intuitives and Sensitives are particularly prone to this at the moment as even when you are asleep you are sensitive to the energy fluctuations that are around, during August you would have been sensitive to the Lion Star Gate opening. Star gates and other portals are opening all the time and you will be pulled towards that energy during dreamtime. Because it feels so different and you don’t know what it is, your physical self pulls back and you wake up. Use the awake times to have a chat to Spirit, do some deep belly breathing to get you back into sleep mode, recite a Buddhist chant, or get up and take some ‘Sleep Easy’ essence (which also will help with cosmic jet lag symptoms).

Anxiety that you can’t quite put your finger on, almost like something is about to happen but you’re not sure what. You may be picking up approaching earthquakes and other events (including political). Take a minute to check that you are not getting sucked into mass consciousness fear and anxiety which is being whipped up like you would not believe at the moment. Say out loud “If it’s not mine, please take it away.”

Anger outbursts can happen now and over the next few weeks. This is due in part to the building volcanic activity which is reflected in our bodies. Planetary pressure can also cause this. There is nothing wrong in being angry, just be careful how and where you discharge it! It’s better out than in that’s for sure, but try and work out what it is really about before blowing (damage limitation exercise!). Usually there is fear of loss underneath it.


Lets out stress
That you do know what to do
That you are supported
That all is well.
For your own peace of mind
To stay connected to truth
To radiate peace to All
Daily gratitude
For all that you do have
And for all that is on its way
Yourself, often
Others, often
Life, often

The key for the coming month is ACKNOWLEDGING. Most people feel invisible. They feel as if they don’t matter, that no-one really sees them, that no-one actually listens to them. Look people in the eye and smile when you talk to them, that is acknowledging them. Especially in places like the supermarket checkout, especially the cleaners in your office block, the canteen staff, the dustbin men. Pay someone a compliment every day, that is acknowledging them, through this simple act you are saying “I see you, I honour you.” When children and animals demand attention, acknowledge them straight away, even if you have to then ask them to wait a few minute whilst you finish something, the important thing is to acknowledge them (unless they have established an attention seeking habit such as disrupting your phone conversation etc, in which case use your discretion regarding this). Say good morning to the trees, the plants, the grass, the insects and critters, the sky and clouds, etc. It is said that when you talk and send love to a bird or animal, that acknowledgement advances their ability to karmically evolve into human form. All animals want to become humans; we are seen as the top pinnacle that they want to get too. Every acknowledgement is an act of Love. Love is all there is and is the only was forward for us all. NAMASTÉ.


A wareness
C ommunity
K indness
N atural
O bserving
W illing
L oving
E quality
D ivinity
G enerous
I ntuitive
N avigation
G iving

If you are having a difficult time working through issues that the Ascension Process may be bringing up, you may find 1-2-1 support helpful. Contact me for more details.

Please Note:
These Ascension updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose any kind of dis-ease or malady you may be experiencing. If you have concerns about your health, I strongly advise you to see a qualified medical practitioner.

(Don’t get carried away in spiritual la-la land and override any messages that your body may be trying to give you). If in doubt – check it out!

Copyright ©E. Yule 2010 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Well what a busy time everyone is having at the moment. After months and months of trying only to be pulled back, we certainly got the green light to go - in a big way. In fact some are so busy they are feeling that life is a little too chaotic and uncontrollable (especially those who in astrology are fixed signs). Hang on in there, all will steady out soon. Most of it is good, right? So enjoy it while this wonderful busy wave lasts. Everything has a cycle, and soon there will be a lull or dip in the wave, and everything will go flat and coast for a while until the next big wave builds up. So enjoy it, do what you can when you can and all will be well. (If you are worried about missing important details, call upon Mouse as a totem, put a little ornament or picture of it on your desk or somewhere you will see it every day. Mouse has helped me so many times like this, it really works!).

Whilst the coming month may be challenging, opportunities are there for those with their eyes and ears open. There is planetary and Universal support for new beginnings. All these months of planning and the hard work are finally going to pay off. Everything is going to come together now for you (if you stay on track and do not allow yourselves to be distracted). By manifesting your dream, you are helping the greater Dream; you are helping to turn the potential nightmare into a wonderful dream that can come true. Success is yours if you are willing to allow it in. Abundance is possible despite what the media might be saying, so do not allow yourselves to worry.

You will still be on your healing journey and still have stuff to clear; however, you are operating through Higher Love now for yourself and others, and are much better able to deal with what comes up. Always choose the high road and do not allow yourself to be dragged down to the lower road. This might be difficult at times this coming month, but breathe, protect yourself with light; send love and all will be well.

Work with sound, use your Tibetan bowls and/or Tingshas (or tuning forks) up and down your body to help your vibration to remain high (this will help any organs feeling depleted too). If you are shamanic, use your healing rattles at least once a week to rattle out any negative energy and balance your aura. Use your voice to sound different tones (some correspond to the chakras) and send your own tone out to the Universe. This will strengthen your throat chakra and increase your self confidence. Notice what sounds are coming through the overtones that reverberate back to you.

There have been health issues for so many folks especially Lightworkers, I have lost count of how many I have heard from over the past month.
I recently had a series of blood tests (part of my annual ‘M.O.T.’) and was alarmed at what the doctor said. Mysteriously, the hereditary disease I have and my osteoporosis have both miraculously vanished and have not shown up in the tests. That set my alarm bells ringing. I went home and told my husband that I did not trust these results and that we need to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. One of the repeat results has been a little concerning, and so I decided to consult an alternative practitioner to double check the results and to prevent this particular issue getting any worse. Despite my blood tests showing that my thyroid was perfectly okay, my session with the practitioner confirmed that it was in fact worryingly low, when I received treatment on it I have to say that I felt better than I have done in twenty years! This proved to me again, that we need to look after ourselves and invest in our own healthcare.

Healers and Therapists especially need to take heed right now. Please don’t keep overriding the messages your body is giving you. It is essential that you stay well as you are going to be very busy next year and beyond. You will need to be strong in order to help those who will come to you. Building your physical (and inner) strength will ensure that you will not be depleted by those you help in the future. The eclipses have triggered this wake-up call for many of us.
Many of you working in the caring professions and healing arts give so much, it is important that you get healing help regularly too.

Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so.
As I have said before, we are on the same path but at different stages, so just take what feels right for you now, and keep the rest as future reference. Although I speak as if these things have already happened, for some they have yet to happen.

That last Eclipse knocked many of us for six and we were feeling wiped out for a good couple of weeks. Now you should be feeling your energy returning. For many of us we went from one extreme (unable to do anything) to the other (as if we are on energizer batteries!) Pace yourselves, as the peaks are very high but the troughs could leave you feeling a bit burned out.
Disturbed sleep – I have heard from so many folks who are tired from disturbed sleep. They have been waking up several times in the night and have found it very difficult to get back to sleep. This has happened to myself and my hubby too. I wish I could explain it, but I am not sure what is causing it. Keep your ‘Sleep Easy’ essence handy and mix some ‘Ascension Support’ essence into it, I have been doing this for both of us and we have finally started sleeping better.

Dizziness and nausea
Came back with a vengeance and continues as there has been a massive increase in earthquakes over the past few weeks and continues. There have been oil spills and gas leaks continually in different parts of our world, complicated by the toxic chemicals they are using in these areas to try and disperse the oil which have been making lots of people in these areas sick. There have been floods, fires and hundreds of children in Peru have died due to the extreme cold there in the mountain villages. Because we are all connected, we are affected by these events. All of this destabilises everyone. Earth Sensitives feel it more acutely. You must rest when you feel this coming on, you know by now that it soon passes.

Weight Issues
At last many are noticing the excess weight coming off as we now feel safe to take the next steps forward. The recent Eclipses also jolted many into changing their lifestyle and nutrition habits.

Powerful dreams. Some very sci-fi futuristic. Some prophetic. Others helping us to do some good old fashioned psyche sorting. Some with very clear messages. Take a look through your dream journal from this time last year and see if you get any aha moments – I sure did!

Aches and pains
Teeth problems continue for some, do get yourselves checked out as tooth infections can debilitate your system very quickly.

Small pains in the hands and feet as the energy moves through our meridian system. (Earth sensitives – these are also earthquake symptoms).

Lower back pain continues for some, especially those who have been worrying about money.
Hip pain continues for some, as well as being to do with stuck emotions, it is also to do with moving forward.
Knees – have also been painful for some, the knees take so much weight, so many burdens. Have you been taking on too much lately? Well stop, before you are literally brought to your knees.

Crown chakra – oh boy, have our crown chakras received a huge blast of energy lately! You may find your fontanel is still feeling a bit tender. This is wonderful but can also make you feel a bit dizzy and headachy.
Heart – more layers of the heart needing healing. Old heart wounds from the past coming up so that you can finally let go. Our heart chakras are on overdrive at the moment with all that is going on. Gently massage in some St. John’s Wort oil to help it relax or treat it to some beautiful Rose essential oil, one drop is all you need.
Hand chakras and feet chakras slightly tender and itchy sometimes. You may also have felt prickly electrical type energy travelling along the bones of the fingers and your knuckles may have felt achy.

Letting go
There is still so much of this going on, and it is never easy. Many continue to leave the planet as they have completed what they need to do here. You may have to let go of people you have known for many years as you have moved on and they haven’t. This happened to me recently with some people I have known for nearly twenty years and whom I am very fond of. It always saddens me, as I am a very loyal creature. I know that each painful letting go creates space for something better to come in.

Limits & boundaries
Yes that lil ol’ lesson has come around again for many of us, even the very experienced amongst you will be surprised that this old chestnut has lifted its head again. The thing is, this lesson creeps up on you, because you have been so busy that you haven’t noticed (or have chosen to ignore) what has been happening. Have a good think right now. Have people been taking advantage of your generosity? Have they been stealing your time? Do they appreciate you for all you that have been doing? Have you received anything in return for all that you have given lately? Have they respected the fact that you are busy too? Do people call you to share good times as well as bad times? When they call you, do they ask about what is going on for you/your life or do they just talk about themselves all the time? Have you been saying yes when you really wanted to say no?
It is an important lesson, because if you have been feeling very drained by some people lately, this is the reason why. It is time to weed out the time wasters, the doom & gloom merchants and the downright selfish ‘upthemselves’ and time to start saying no. It is time to reboot your self respect back to its full wattage and to respect your time and energy enough that you will not allow anyone to steal them from you again. Don’t worry, they’ll survive without you, these types of people always have others to hook into and drain. (BTW – it will also come from those you least expect it to).
For those you do feel a little concerned about, wean them off you, don’t see or speak to them so much (explain that you are very busy at the moment – which you are), if they do catch you out on the ‘phone, look at your watch and after five minutes apologise and say you have to go as you are expecting someone any minute/another call/have to go out/whatever.

Because you have moved on so much, and are moving forward with your life, you need to ensure that you are protecting yourself, your environment and your dreams and projects that you are working on. Put a shield of protection around your dream work that you are now starting to manifest into the world.

Imagine yourself bathed in a creamy, soft white light (and see your home enclosed in a bubble of this light, including your garden, basements, attics etc). Know that when you stand in this light, nothing can touch you.
Use your ‘Protector’ spray mist to spray shields of protection on your doors and around your aura.

Hot Flashes
Continue for some, but have reduced considerably for others as we have now adapted to the awesome energies that the Eclipse season brought us.

Silly little accidents have been happening to many of you lately. It is really important to be fully present as there is much to distract us at the moment. If you are juggling a lot you will be more in your head than your body, which is when accidents occur. Check your grounding (and breathing) several times a day. Stop and take three deep breaths and check that you are back in your belly and not breathing high in your chest. Women especially when they are busy, forget to breathe properly. It only takes a few seconds to get yourself breathing properly again, which also helps you to ground yourself again.


“Procrastination is the thief of time” – a million things will distract you from your purpose right now, you will have to get tough with yourself from time to time in order to get things done. Do not let anything or anyone swerve you off purpose. This is exactly what the dark forces want. They don’t want you to succeed and be happy; they can’t control you unless you are frozen with fear and stuck. They operate through the mental level, so you will need to be strong minded and keep a check on how much time you are wasting every day. And keep a check on those thoughts, discipline your mind. Constant tiredness can also be a trick of procrastination, so you will need to check what is really going on. If you are genuinely unwell, rest and take time out to look after yourself and re-build your energies. The second half of this year is gonna whizz by, so if you’ve got things to do by then, you will need to stay on top of yourself (if you’ll pardon the expression!)
Use the upcoming Mercury retrograde to go over everything with a fine tooth comb, to finalise things ready for launch etc. Re-work things where necessary and get rid of things that you realise now will just not work, free up your energy for what will work.

Look how far you have come this year! We are nearly three quarters of the way through and you have absolutely transformed yourself. Your environment is changing. Things are getting better. More love is getting through. More support has come your way. You are on the right track, so do not let anyone or anything distract you from that. You have grown in strength so much, your inner light and beauty is shining brighter than it ever has before. (And if you don’t think this applies to you, don’t worry, it soon will).


Breathing out stress
Breathing in calm
That you are being looked after
That you will succeed
That it is all going to work out
For your own peace of mind
To stay connected to truth
To radiate peace to All
Because things are getting better
Because you are such a beautiful Soul
Because it makes you feel good
Yourself, often
Others, often
Life, often

The key for the coming month is NOTICING. Notice the colour of the sky this morning. Notice the colours of the flowers. Notice the temperature of the breeze as it caresses your face. Notice where the sun is in the sky. Notice how the ground feels, is it hard after all the hot weather or softer after recent rains? Notice how your body is feeling right now – do you notice any aches or pains? Notice where your breath is right now. Notice how your stomach feels right now. Notice where your shoulders are right now, drop them a little more and give your neck space. Notice where your thoughts are right now – what were you just thinking about? Notice how people respond to you. Notice how animals respond to you. Notice how you are walking – are you heavy footed or do you have a spring in your step? Notice your posture – do you hold yourself like the regal Spirit that you are or do you have rounded shoulders and are slumped? Notice your hands – really look at them, take at least five minutes to do this. Notice your blessings, write a list of all you are thankful for right now in your life. Start to notice the messages that are trying to come through from Spirit, don’t block them or bounce them away, stop and listen.


N urture
O pen
T ouch
I ntuiting
C reating
I nspiring
N oble
G rateful

If you are having a difficult time working through issues that the Ascension Process may be bringing up, you may find 1-2-1 support helpful. Contact me for more details.

Please Note:
These Ascension updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose any kind of dis-ease or malady you may be experiencing. If you have concerns about your health, I strongly advise you to see a qualified medical practitioner. (Don’t get carried away in spiritual la-la land and override any messages that your body may be trying to give you). If in doubt – check it out!

Copyright ©E. Yule 1999-2010 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Friday, 9 July 2010


This weekend’s New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse. So how will this affect us?

Well some folks are having to let go of people/pets/groups/things and this can be very upsetting. However this is necessary in order to clear your path so that you can move forward from here. It is a great time to let go of things and people from the past. So if you sense something is ending or needs to go, trying not to resist it, you are creating space for new and better to come in. Whatever has gone wrong, you now have a lot of support to get it right and to move forward fearlessly, so drop the guilt/shame/fear and go for it now! We are being tipped out of our comfort zones because it is time for us to move forward and/or onto the next level now. It is therefore a great time to sift and sort, organize and prioritize. Stay in the present, this is where your personal power is, don’t let your mind drift you back into the past (unless it is to retrieve and heal an old wound) or fantasise about the future. Get back on track and stay present. Be excited and ready to move forward now.

The New Moon is in Cancer and is symbolized by the Crab, it is a nurturing and giving Moon. Let us spare a thought for the Crab and all creatures of the oceans and seas especially with all they have been suffering lately in the Gulf of Mexico.

REMINDER: As a support for all the energy work helping to heal the Gulf oil crisis, we are offering 50% off our “WATER BLESSINGS – Blessings of Love for the Water” essence with every order. Water is Mother Earth’s blood, how sick She must be feeling from the pollution in Her waters, no wonder She is doing all She can to expel the toxins from Her Being. If we can do our best to love, bless and heal the waters of the Earth Mother, we are helping Her to heal and rejuvenate. In micro/macrocosm terms it means that this will help us too. This essence was made immediately after the big Tsunami in 2005 and has been used by many people worldwide in water ceremonies and rituals and has been sent to countries affected by Tsunamis. A single drop can make a big difference. Start making a difference today. You will receive full information with each bottle including how to transmit the essence etherically.

This New Moon of celebration encourages us to get in touch with and make more time for family. The Solar Eclipse enables you to leave behind any childish triggers and emerge as a stronger adult in your dealings with family.

Symptoms you may have experienced lately are connected to several solar flares as well as the powerful energy of the upcoming Eclipse. These include; extreme tiredness, feeling muddled or confused, sweating as if you are burning something up from inside. This is an emotional time, with feelings rising to the surface to be healed. Take time to think about you feel; do you feel deeply or are you a bit numb to your feelings? How do you feel about your life right now? How do you feel about your environment right now – and the people and things you have in it? How do you feel about our World right now? How well do you give and receive? How well do you react and interact? How well do you carry yourself and show yourself in our world? This Eclipse brings great transformation so some will hit a ‘healing crisis’ as they journey through this. The effects of this Eclipse season may well be with us for several months.

Body – get some healing/treatments to help support you through this powerful time. Work especially on your heart and solar plexus chakras (or self treat by using St. John’s Wort herbal oil on your solar plexus and rose essential oil on your heart chakra).

Emotions – be gentle with yourself. Be a mother to your inner child who may be feeling a little scared or wobbly during this Eclipse phase. Take your essences to keep emotions in balance whilst you are working through this. Be calm. Practice tolerance and compassion for yourself and others. Take care not to over-react or have knee-jerk responses to people and stuff that comes up. Be kind to yourself and everyone else. Be positive, shine your Light and show the way for those that are struggling. Be the calm in the storm for yourself and others.

Let us pray and send healing to the waters of the Earth. The Earth Mother who represents our maternal nurturing and through Cancer asks to consider whether we are being mothered; are we nurturing and mothering ourselves enough? Are we doing this too much for others? Are we too smothering? This Moon gives us the opportunity to heal and find balance once again with the feminine nurturing aspect (or individual/s) in our lives.


I deeply and completely love my Body
I totally accept who I am and where I am right now
I nurture and care for myself
I give myself the best of everything
I honour all of my relationships
I give thanks for my family and my past
I am important
All is well; I am safe and cared for
I make good choices
I am centred and grounded
I am fully present
I am a great mother
I am open to receiving
I am committed to being the best that I can be
I am grateful for all the abundance in my life
I honour my emotions
I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Many Blessings
Elly xx

Copyright ©E. Yule 2010 Worldwide Rights Reserved

Thursday, 1 July 2010


Phew! Well that was one heck of a Solstice wasn’t it? Plus being in Eclipse season, there are a lot of intense energies around. The eclipses are really shaking things up and revealing so much to us, some of which we might not want to see or be aware of but we need to be. Many have had a Truth Hit that has been like a slap in the face, those who have had their heads in the sand have well and truly had their butts kicked (or about to be when the Eclipse window closes), those who have been ‘asleep’ are being given a big jolt to wake them up . Eclipses highlight what’s not working, and the Eclipse window gives us time to think about what we want to do about it. On the other hand Eclipses can be the most wonderful launching pads for new experiences for some, (my darling hubby walked into my life during an eclipse window and my life had completely turned around by the time the eclipse window closed). Some people fear eclipses because of what might come up, but I look forward to them. Although it can be a bit rough at the time whilst it is happening, Eclipses always reward you with something better, if you are open to working with the Eclipse energies. I have had several personal realisations of my own, some of which I didn’t like but I know to be the truth and I know what I have to do to change things. Eclipses also can mark a time when you just cannot or will not carry on the way you have been, that something has to change. And it will.

Treat yourselves kindly during Eclipse season, the energy shifts will make you more anxious and sensitive emotionally (I feel like I’ve had PMT since before the Solstice!). You may also be feeling vulnerable, even exposed and feel a bit raw. On the plus side this enables you to receive more intuitive information, insights abound and you become inspired again.

As I always say when energy events are so super-charged; eat well - lots of root veggies for grounding, green leafy veg for energy (beetroot is good for that too), drink plenty of water to flush out any stress toxins you may have, get plenty of rest – have naps during the day if you need to. Find time (even five minutes) to sit quietly, calm your breathing and still your mind. Keep taking your essences (our ‘Ascension Support’ essence is flying off the shelves again!). Add some essences to your bath and let their magic soothe you on all levels. Add some essential oils to your body lotions so that you can be uplifted by the magic of flowers all day long.

Thankfully the planetary energies for July promise us less intensity and more freedom. So breathe out, enjoy the summer weather and forget about everything else for a few weeks.

Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so.
As I have said before, we are on the same path but at different stages, so just take what feels right for you now, and keep the rest as future reference. Although I speak as if these things have already happened, for some they have yet to happen.

Since the Solstice many are feeling absolutely whacked out. Sleeping patterns have become erratic for some. Get rest whenever you can. Little power naps whenever you feel you need to.

Weight Gain
Weight gain/bloating continues for some. Particularly for those who are shamanic. Especially around the waist and belly areas, perhaps we all need a bigger seat to sit on to keep us anchored during these rollercoaster energy rides! :-)

Cosmic Slug Syndrome
The above weight gain isn’t helped by the fact that some of us have been going through Cosmic Slug Syndrome again as we adjust to the intense energies and are eating more. You need to be careful that you are not feeding emotions rather than yourself. (Refer to your ‘Ascension Tips’ handbook for more information).

Faces from the past continue to happen for some, with some experiencing closure regarding these old relationships. Prophetic dreams abound since the Solstice and you may have several different dreams in the one night. Do keep a note of any dreams you have had since just before the Solstice, you are downloading important information. These are as well as the usual sifting, sorting and clearing of the psyche that occurs during dreamtime.

Aches and pains
Teeth – sharp stabbing pains in the teeth and jaw, be careful of holding tension in your jaw which you may be doing without realising it. (The energies may be making you tense up more than you realise).

Small pains in the hands and feet as the energy moves through our meridian system. (Earth sensitives – these are also earthquake symptoms).

Lower back pain and hip pain for some – as well as being earthquake symptoms, this is also to do with old stuck emotions calling our attention and letting us know that it is time to let them go. As soon as this happens, the pain disappears and healing has taken place.

Every chakra seems to have been bombarded with energy lately! Protect your solar plexus at the moment, especially if you are feeling a bit below par or sensitive emotionally.
Higher chakras – these have been activated and opened, many of the upper chakras are now open with some aware of the opening of their fourteenth chakra.

The massive energies at the moment can be very tiring, when we get tired our guard drops and we become more vulnerable. Check your protection and grounding every day, use your ‘Protector’ spray mist each morning to put a shield around your aura (and over your solar plexus if you are feeling particularly sensitive). There are a lot of ‘other’ energies out there trying to cause havoc at the moment, and quite frankly, you have enough to deal with right now. A couple of minutes each morning is all it takes and you are set for the day ahead.

Hot Flashes
More than the weather, more than menopause, it is possibly further activation of kundalini energy. However I feel it is also to do with the energies we are currently experiencing; they are helping us to burn away what we no longer need as we transform ourselves even more, up until now this has been an internal experience but now we are feeling it right through our bodies so much so that our skin is leaking as we sweat buckets! And then a few minutes later everything settles down again. Warming our core is actually very empowering, and is good for us physically as long as we do not dehydrate or overheat. Ensure you are drinking plenty of good quality still water when you are going through this phase.
This experience can also be contrasted by feeling ice cold (and can happen shortly after the hot flashes), this shivery feeling goes on for a while and then suddenly your body returns to normal temperature.

Insect Invasions
The ‘other’ energies can use critters and animals to create havoc in your life. This is particularly important to those who are shamanic. Whilst we can think about the animal medicine message the critters might be giving us, you will know that this is different.
Flies – especially the type that bite are a particular favourite of the ‘other’ forces, and you may find yourselves persistently bothered (or bitten) by these flies. They are trying to stop you doing what you need to do. I have come across this before over the years and was surprised when I was targeted recently. I was making an herbal remedy whilst we were on holiday and had observed all the usual protocols in Nature and was happily in a meditative state amongst the plants as I gently gathered what they were offering. It was a hot day and I was bothered by one particular fly at least 10 times, that’s when I realised what was going on. I check in with Mother Earth and the plants and Devas, no it wasn’t from them, they were perfectly happy to have me there. So I asked Spirit to let me know what the heck was going on and if I stuffed up the protocols anywhere please let me know so that I can put it right. I was told I had not done anything wrong or forgotten anything. I continued trying to gather the plants and that blessed fly had another go at me, as I turned to swish it off me I was shocked to see that it had a human head (male with grey hair) and the word “corporate” stamped across it. I heard the words “they (corporations) don’t want you to gather natural medicine”. I was completely surprised by this and hadn’t expected it. Many of us have a lot to contend with as we continue to offer good service to our communities through our use of natural medicine and we all know how about the forces that are trying to stop us doing this. I cleared my energy field and moved to another part of the land as I almost had enough for my jar. The hot weather has affected the quality of the plants in this area this year, the quality of the leaves wasn’t as good due to the parched condition of the land they were growing in. I was very grateful for their healing gifts. As I stood up to put a lid on my gathering jar, blow me if another of those flies bit me – I hadn’t even felt this one land on me as it was smaller. Little bugger! I simply turned round and used a leaf from a planet I love which healed it instantly.
Ants – can also be used in this way. They are incredible critters and I have learned so much from them over the years.
Please don’t be alarmed as this doesn’t happen very often and it doesn’t happen to everyone.

Some have felt like snakes shedding skin and have felt itchy inside and underneath their skin. Keep your skin cool and away from irritants like perfumed products until this phase passes. It usually lasts 2-3 days. Try not to scratch! Instead think about what might be irritating you and/or what are you wanting to get rid of?

Itchy soles of the feet – my Irish grandmother taught me this means “that you are going to walk on strange ground” meaning that you are going to go somewhere new that you haven’t been before (even if you are not planning to go out you may get a sudden invitation to go somewhere). From an ascension point of view it means that you are going to explore new territory and have the courage to do so now. For some of you it is that you are now ready to walk into the world with what you can offer, your creativity/services/healing/talents and your feet are itching to get going!
Other things my Grandmother taught me “if your left hand is itching, you’re coming into money”, this works without fail! My left palm gets itchy particularly near the hand chakra and within two days money I wasn’t expecting arrives. And finally, “If your right hand is itching, you’re going to shake hands with someone new”.

Manifestation can happen very quickly now, almost instantly in some cases, so be careful what you are thinking about for it may manifest sooner than you would like or feel ready for. A perfect example of this happened to a friend in the USA, she read a book which so inspired her that she started sharing her interpretation of it with a series of free short daily videos. (She invited us to join in, we did and the shifts we had were so profound!). The well known author of the book heard about what she was doing and within days she was invited to be part of a teleseminar with him, and she hasn’t stopped since then appearing on other radio shows and teleseminars! So make sure that you are thinking positively, if you are stuck in a negative spiral you could very quickly manifest stuff you really don’t want happening. This has its peaks and troughs like any energy wave does. The best thing to do is to go with the flow and run with it whilst it is happening and then when it tapers off and things slow down again, use the time to integrate all that has happened, recharge and get yourself ready for surfing the next energy wave/manifestation wave that will come in. When the quiet times happen use them to get organised, structured and efficient.


Waking Dreams/Visions/Meditation is happening more. You receive in your mind’s eye images of how you will be working/living/loving as you go about your day-to-day activities (you don’t need to set aside meditation time to access this type of information).

Those who have gone with the flow, done the deep detoxing and clearing, are now feeling more powerful than they have done in years. Yet it is a different, because you are gong with the flow of it and allowing it to guide you where you need to go. You feel safe, you trust and know that this is right and you are enjoying the journey. (You no longer have problems with your ego because you have transcended that type of ego-driven power, yet you are able to be dynamic and cope with competition in business because you know that you do not have to compete, because you are plugged into the unlimited Universe and know that there is more than enough for everyone).

You are not at all worried about outcomes or final destinations you are just following the flow and greatly enjoying the people you are meeting and the experiences you are having. Your work dream starts to really blossom and take off now, people are now ready for it, they are more receptive to what you have to offer, your time is now. Isn’t that exciting! It’s time for you to take charge now. It is time for you to totally take charge of your life and live it the way you want to. You have the strength, the power, the courage and the integrity to do this.

As I have mentioned before, there will still be those other energies out there that don’t want you to succeed, that want to sabotage and interfere with what you are doing, that will try and attack you personally and your work dream and plans. Don’t worry about it, you are so strong now you will see them coming (which will take them by surprise) and know exactly how to deal with them. (Remember too that they are mirroring out shadow sides, but they are weakening because of all the incredible deep work you have done on yourself over the past ten years).

This time is all about YOU. Putting yourself first. This is extremely important, because when you do this you are becoming more solid in yourself and you are building energy reserves. You must give yourselves the space and time to do this. If you keep being depleted by others there will be nothing left for you or them, and you will be no use to anyone. Put You first so that you will have enough to give others when needed. You will also become even more discerning now about who and where you want to share your energy. You haven’t come this far just so someone can vamp your energy or trash it. Stay strong, stay focused on YOU. Use that wonderful little word No, more often, until you feel ready to say Yes.

As you shift into this more powerful, strong, confident version of yourself, you will find that certain people and situations will be taken care of so that you do not have to encounter their energies longer. This happened to me personally, something that had been planned didn’t come about, at the time I was disappointed and upset as I had been let down by someone I thought was a friend, the let down also cost us time and money which we could have done without. Yet when I sat with it afterwards, I realised the Universe had saved us from being in energy that was no longer suitable for us and would have pulled us down tremendously. It was a blessing, and was worth every minute and penny of inconvenience

Do you realise that you are being sprinkled with golden stardust right now? Blessed by Cosmic Dust that blends its creamy golden tones with your energy field, you are becoming more luminous. You are so beautiful. You are so loved by the Universe and All Our Relations in other galaxies. You are so needed here by this wonderful World of ours. Hang on in there. You are doing so well. Please remember that you are greatly appreciated by the seen and unseen.


Because you know
Letting go of stress
Letting go of fear
Letting God/dess in
For your own peace of mind
To stay connected to truth
To radiate peace to All
In yourself
In others
All is Well
Gratitude for where you are
Gratitude for what you have
Gratitude for what is coming

The key for the coming month is SURPRISES.
Being open to all the different types of surprises that show up in your life. Especially the ones you’d rather not have, because those are the ones that help you to think and act differently and change your life. Being open to all the wonderful surprises that are waiting to come in for you. Surrender control and allow the abundant Universe to bless you in many different ways. Creating wonderful surprises for others; a romantic surprise for your partner, a thank you surprise for a dear friend, an anonymous surprise for someone you know who could do with cheering up. Surprising family and/or relatives you haven’t seen for a long time with a visit. Surprising someone with a beautiful card. Surprising someone with something you have made yourself. Surprising yourself by recognising how fabulous you are. Surprise yourself by how open and alert you already are to what is around you. Saying to yourself “I love the surprises which come to me from so many unexpected sources!”


S urrendering
U nexpected
R eceiving
P resent
R ealising
I nspired
S haring
E xcited
S ource

If you are having a difficult time working through issues that the Ascension Process may be bringing up, you may find 1-2-1 support helpful. Contact me for more details.

Please Note:
These Ascension updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose any kind of dis-ease or malady you may be experiencing. If you have concerns about your health, I strongly advise you to see a qualified medical practitioner. (Don’t get carried away in spiritual la-la land and override any messages that your body may be trying to give you). If in doubt – check it out!

Copyright ©E. Yule 2010 Worldwide Rights Reserved